Here's to a GREAT November!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan:
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
Here's to a GREAT November!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan:
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
persimmon / 1388 posts
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle #: 38 - our 1st cycle TTC was Nov 30, 2012. Wowza.
Ovulation and POAS dates: TBD - this is my first clomid cycle, so I have no idea how my body will react!
Baby #: 1
Your plan: 50 mg clomid CD5-9, opk's, BD every other day, and hope for the best...
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Mashed potatoes!
Side note - I always mark CD1 (so, 11/23) as the first FULL day of flow. However, AF really started around noon on 11/22. Soooo I "cheated" and took my first clomid pill on 11/26 (the evening of CD 4...even though that was the 5th night of flow).
kiwi / 689 posts
Cycle Day: 25
TTC Cycle #: 18
Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulated on either 10/17 or 10/18
POAS: 11/1
Baby #: 1
Your plan: I began Clomid (50 mg) this cycle even though I ovulate regularly. I'm hoping the Clomid helped me achieve a stronger O this cycle. I've been ok for the most part but now I'm in the TWW, I feel like I have so many symptoms but I hear Clomid can mimic pregnancy symptoms. If this cycle doesn't work, I may do one more Clomid cycle and move on to IUI.
Favorite Thanksgiving Dish: I absolutely love the sausage stuffing and of course my butternut squash soup!
Good luck to all the November ladies
kiwi / 689 posts
@doxielove: I did the same thing, I was told to begin Clomid day 5 and I marked 10/4 as the first day of period even though I really started my period late evening of 10/3. I know CD 1 is first full day of flow.
Wishing you the best on your first cycle on Clomid. I did pretty well so far.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LoveHope: Good, I'm not alone in my thinking!! I'm excited for you to POAS! I'll probably do 2 or 3 clomid cycles, too, then move on to IUI next year (I want to wait until I get my 2016 flex spending dollars).
pear / 1770 posts
@doxielove: My RE said if your period started at or before noon, that was CD1! So you're right on track.
kiwi / 739 posts
Is this a ttc board or a clomid board? I'm right behind you two. @lovehope @doxielove
CD: 5
Ttc cycles: between 15-18cycles. I took a few months of ntnp after ectopic
Ovulation: 11/7
POAS: 11/19
Baby: 1
Plan: back on clomid after two months off. I got pregnant on days 3-7 w clomid and I accidently started on day 4. I know the days are really physician preference so hoping it *really* doesn't matter. Will try TI every other day but our work schedules include a lot of traveling. Will be lucky to hit two days.
Favorite dish: green beans and corn! Both are grown on my uncles farm and always SO good!
pear / 1881 posts
Cycle Day: I guess I'm on CD1 (I'll explain below)
TTC Cycle #: Since August 2013, so probably 27ish?
Ovulation and POAS dates: We are doing IVF, so retrieval will be around 11/11. POAS - unsure and might have to update it, but for now, i'll go with 11/25.
Baby #: 2 - DD is 3.5 years old.
Your plan: So, we are just starting our first IVF cycle. I stopped BCP last Friday (got my period today) and am doing Lupron (to quiet my ovaries) currently. I have my baseline/first ultrasound tomorrow morning and if all goes well, I start stim meds Friday.
Favorite Thanksgiving Dish: That's a hard one - there are so many! I really like the roasted garlic parmesan mashed potatoes I make or butternut or pumpkin soup is yummy too.
Good luck to everyone this month and I hope that it goes better than October!!
apricot / 276 posts
Hello ladies. Unfortunately, I'm rejoining you guys on the TTC board. I'm just a cheerleader this month though.
I just had a D&C on the 13th, so I'm in the waiting period. I don't see my doc until the 4th, but I'm sure she'll tell me I have to wait 2 cycles to try again. That's what she told me after my CP last year. Hopefully you all will be long gone from the TTC boards by then.
Wishing you all the best of luck in November! And I'm filling this out just so I feel like I'm part of the group. Lol.
Cycle Day: 15 days post D&C
TTC Cycle #: Not even sure anymore due to wonky cycles. Started TTC in August of last year.
Ovulation and POAS dates: Probably around February? Lol. Hopefully none of you will be on a POAS board by then.
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Rest. Heal. Try not to obsess over when my period is coming back.
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Green bean casserole!! I actually HATE most Thanksgiving food. I like turkey, but only with chili sauce. No gravy! And my husband and his twin always make deviled eggs. I eat way too many of those. Lol
kiwi / 689 posts
@KrzyRiver: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Thinking about you. Hugs. Take good care of yourself.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@ms.line: Good to know, thanks for chiming in!
@LibbyLou: Woot, clomid club!
@NorthStar: How did the baseline ultrasound go?
@KrzyRiver: Oh no, I'm so very sorry for your loss
@LoveHope: Aren't you just dying to test? Few more days! Any chance you'll POAS early?
So far clomid has been treating me well. No side effects *yet*
kiwi / 689 posts
@doxielove: OMG yes! I just hate that disappointing feeling when a BFN pops up. It's the worst!
Who knows maybe I'll test saturday.
So glad to hear you don't have any side effects from the Clomid.
kiwi / 739 posts
@LoveHope: you have a better willpower than me! I always test early.
@northstar hope stim meds go smoothly!
@krzyriver I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be curious to the reasoning behind waiting two months from your OB. (Unless just psychological reasons). I have two friends deliver healthy babies from getting pregnant immediately after MC. Never had another period. My OB have the okay to try again right after our loss too. I always find it interesting the different schools of thought between docs.
apricot / 276 posts
@LibbyLou: My RE is one of those who thinks it's better to wait. She sees a higher number of MCs when people get pregnant immediately. I've heard so many different things from so many different people, so I just did what she said before. This time I might not wait tho. We'll see
clementine / 899 posts
Cycle Day: 18
TTC Cycle #: lost track. Started TTC in Feb of 2014.
Ovulation: pretty sure I O'd yesterday, so 10/28
POAS: Would like to wait 'til after AF doesn't show, but FF says 11/12
Baby #: 1
Your plan: No different then previously. I think our DTD wasn't bad, better then its been in a long time, so unfortunately my hopes are kind of up, BUT according to the HSG I did in Sept, my left tube is "blocked" and I had pain on my left side during O so at the same time I feel like this cycle is all for nothing.. I'm not able to see the dr until Nov 9 to confirm anything or start a plan. This is going to be a long couple of weeks...
nectarine / 2192 posts
Cycle Day: 6DPO
TTC Cycle #: 2 years, lost count
Ovulation and POAS dates: 11/8 if I get that far
Baby #: 1
Your plan: femara/ovidrel, continuing cabergoline, synthroid, and prednisone. We were going to do IUi#3 but scheduling did not work out well with he RE office, DH and I didn't have a good feeling so we just did TI. We had great timing this month so we will see. If this is negative, we will do IUI#3.
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Baked apples and stuffing.
kiwi / 739 posts
@HellOnHeels: maybe a little more hope I can give you! I had a HSG and while they said both tubes were clear, they thought I wasn't ovulating from left side consistently. Back in May I had sharp pains from my left that I never feel. Always in my right side when I ovulate. I got pregnant (yay!) and I thought cool, I just needed my left side to ovulate. Well, turns out it Was ectopic and it for sure was my right ovary that released bc it was in my right tube. I was 100% positive my left side ovulated but alas, I was proven wrong. So while I believe we know our own bodies, there is also a ton we don't know!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LibbyLou: Interesting! I'm curious to know how they were able to tell you weren't consistently O'ing from the left side from the HSG?
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: it was all very weird to me! They said there was a cyst that could or could not be preventing me from ovulating on that side. That paired with my low numbers from when I got my labs taken to see if I ovulate were used to determine that. I was also told I had a bifornicate uterus (horned or heart shaped). When I ended up having surgery, both my uterus and left ovary looked normal. So I really have no idea if I ovulate from both sides, have a cyst, or a misshapen uterus.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@KrzyRiver: I'm so sorry. I'm still dealing with one I had in August, so be kind and patient with yourself.
@LibbyLou: I was told to wait after both my miscarriages due to a higher likelihood of miscarrying if you get KU right after. My dr explained it had something to do with a thinner lining, especially after a D&C.
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle #: who even knows. It's been over 2 years, nearly 2.5
Ovulation and POAS dates: hopefully ovulate next weekend, which is perfect timing for our anniversary! (And marks 2 years since the first time I got pregnant on our first anniversary)
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Try naturally. Going in for RPL blood work today, dr won't get me back on clomid until we get the results back.
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Cranberry sauce!
kiwi / 689 posts
I think the Clomid is messing with me. I began spotting yesterday and then it stopped. Started again today. Stopped again. AF is due to arrive Monday.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: oh that makes sense!
@lovehope oh boy, what is your gut feeling? You think pre AF or maybe implantation?
kiwi / 689 posts
@LibbyLou: I poas and it was a BFN so I have no idea. Ughhh this is so cruel.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@KrzyRiver: so sorry you're back here too!
All the best in November ladies. I'm on CD11 or whatever you call it after a mc. We will wait til after AF to start trying.
I mentioned in the October thread that we have been referred to the fertility clinic and a couple of you asked about it. We have never done fertility treatment before! I'm not sure what to expect. Our appointment isn't until December 21st. We have a healthy DD and have had two miscarriages and our TFMR for Turner's Syndrome. I am not sure if we have bad luck or if there is something else going on. I'm a little relieved to be going to the fertility clinic to be honest. I feel like we are doing something proactive.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LoveHope: Do you normally spot before AF? I guess if it IS implantation, that would explain the negative test. I'd say test again Sunday if AF isn't here!
@LibbyLou: Fascinating that you learned that much! My HSG was quick and completely unremarkable.
ETA: @crystal, people actually eat the cranberry sauce!? That dish always goes untouched at my family's celebration!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@KrzyRiver: I had to wait 3 cycles after our D&E in December. Right now I'm in a waiting room waiting for my follow up scan. My fingers are crossed my mc was complete after the misoprostol. I was wanting to avoid another procedure.
I always hear different rules about how long to wait after a mc. I think it's good you are following your doctor's advice!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@delight: Good luck at the scan. So sorry you are going through this
apricot / 276 posts
@Crystal: I know. I'm not very good at being patient or kind to myself. Lol. After 3 years, 2 MCs, and a CP, it's really difficult to be patient. It doesn't help that my husband's ex is trying to get pregnant too. My son has been asking for a little brother or sister for years, and since she made my husband a dad, I really wanted to make my son a brother. So I feel like I'm in a race with her to get pregnant. It's frustrating and makes me want to just ignore what I know my doctor will tell me. I know that's awful and a lot of pressure to put on myself, but I can't seem to shake it.
@delight: My follow up is Wednesday. She told me two cycles after my CP but idk if she'll make me wait longer since I had the D&C. I really hope not cause I'll be more tempted to ignore her if she does. Lol. Let us know how your appt goes!
@doxielove: You don't eat the cranberry sauce?!?! We fight over it!! Lol
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@KrzyRiver: I totally understand the racing aspect, I've been on the losing side of that race with everyone around me. In fact, many are lapping me and already on their second kid. Meh. Is there anything you can do for yourself that makes you happy that isn't focused on ttc?
@doxielove: exactly why I love it! No one to fight me for it. Plus, I'm vegetarian, not too much for me to enjoy at thanksgiving.
@delight: I'm so sad to see you back here.
@LoveHope: definitely test again in a few days!
@doxielove: I didn't get much from my hsg either, I'm so jealous you did @LibbyLou!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: thanks. The scan wasn't that great
My lining is still too thick and they can see blood in my uterus so i haven't completely miscarried. They're giving me another week and then I'll have to do another round of miso. I'm starting to track my hcg now too and it's at 350. Hopefully next week it will have gone down a lot. Such a pain. I just want to move on.
@Crystal: I'm sad to be back but I love you ladies. It seems like lately it has been tough to get graduates in this group. I hope the next couple months show more positive results for everyone !
@KrzyRiver: good luck at your appointment this week. I don't think I'll get my period any time soon with my HCG still up. I might have to bite the bullet and do a D&C.
kiwi / 689 posts
@delight: Im so sorry. It's hard enough and now that. Hang in there. Hugs.
apricot / 276 posts
@Crystal: Is it sad that I never stopped to think bout that?? Lol. I did decide that if I can't have a child, my husband and I would rescue dogs. We plan to get house in the country, and if it's a childless homes we plan to fill it with older dogs that are less likely to be adopted. Which makes me feel better sometimes when I think about that, but you're right, I need to find something else to make me happy while we're TTC. It's hard right now with 2 jobs and school. And my husband just got custody of his son, so I'm a full time mom to a 15 year old now. I'm a typical wife/mother... I take care of everyone but myself.
@delight: I'm so sorry you have to go through that. If it makes you feel any better, I much preferred my D&C to my miscarriages. It was a lot less painful, both physically and emotionally. For me anyway. And it made me feel better to know that it was all over and done with.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@KrzyRiver: I know I probably should have done a D&C but honestly for me it is hard for me emotionally. I have nightmares still of my D&E. We terminated and the last thing I remember was how I could feel her moving and kicking as I was put out. I just felt if I had to go through a similar procedure it would be a big set back for me emotionally. I know this is totally different because the baby passed away but I just didn't think I could handle it again. Does that even make sense? Just too many memories of a bad time.
apricot / 276 posts
@delight: Oh, I'm so sorry. Yes, that makes sense. I would be hesitant in your situation as well. Hopefully your body will take care of it on its own. *Hugs*
kiwi / 689 posts
AF came this morning.
I have to say that with being on Clomid, the last few days leading up to AF were crazy. I was such a mean person and had such a horrible TWW on Clomid.
I might try one more cycle and then move onto IUI.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@delight: I'm so sorry. I wish I had some words of encouragement. Take care of yourself
@LoveHope: Oh no! Damn AF! I'm so sorry.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: My SIL's sister got married the day before I did and is currently pregnant with #3. I can sympathize.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@LoveHope: sorry about AF and the wrath of Clomid
@doxielove: thanks. I will just keep on keeping on. Hopefully my next beta shows a good decrease. It's funny how two months ago I was praying for a great increase in HCG and now I hope that it is going down. Ugh.
@KrzyRiver: thanks. I hope we both have a great outcome next time around. I just hate how having a mc takes months away from us.
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