kiwi / 689 posts
@mrsjd: Welcome and wish you the very best on your first Clomid cycle. I'm currently on my second cycle of Clomid. Are you having any side effects?
clementine / 777 posts
@LoveHope: I just took my third pill this morning and so far so good. The only thing I noticed was that last night I had a crazy night sweat. Not fun but not horrible. I'm on 50 mg of Clomid and 750 mg of Metformin for now. Next week I'll increase to 1500 mg of Metformin.
Did you have any side effects?
clementine / 777 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Thank you so much. I've been following your story. Here's hoping for both of us!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LoveHope: No, I ran out of tests! I'll have to order more next month if AF comes.
kiwi / 689 posts
@mrsjd: first cycle on Clomid I didn't really experience any side effects while taking the pills. I did get really awful mood swings during the TWW though. This cycle I've been experiencing some hot flashes but nothing too bad. I'm also on 50mg.
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: how long are your cycles? Just curious, I also ovulated about 10days after last clomid and I have short cycles. 24-25days. I'm worried that there's not enough time for implantation. (And of course prior ectopic doesn't help this thought).
@ameliabedilia I'm so sorry about AF. Glad appointment went okay. And good for free samples!
Eta: I just checked my days- I O on Cd 16 on Saturday too! Twinning.
clementine / 777 posts
@doxielove: Thanks for the welcome and congrats on the positive OPK! And good luck! (fingers crossed). I'll try to stay patient if it takes a while after the pills. When I have ovulated in the past (infrequently) I've ovulated between days 13-18. So we'll see.
Have you experienced any side effects?
persimmon / 1388 posts
@mrsjd: Oh the hot flashes!! I usually run very cold, so I feel like these hot flashes are INTENSE! I've also experienced nausea and migraines. Needless to say, clomid has not been fun for me. ETA - my side effects started around CD 7-8, so around the end of my 5 day course of clomid.
@LibbyLou: Without clomid, I O around CD16-17 (so, so far clomid hasn't really affected my O date...), and then my LP would be a solid 10 days, with maybe a few hours of spotting before full flow. My doctor wasn't too concerned about the length of my LP. I've "heard" that <10 days is not optimal for implantation, though. Have you had your progesterone tested?
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: I did, but prior to starting clomid. And honestly I can't remember what it was. I'll be right at 9-10 days so hoping it's enough. I feel like every step there's something to worry about. Did we TI right? Is my LP long enough? Etc.
@mrsjrd I have had no side effects from clomid! Cramping at ovulation but can't say that is clomid related.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LibbyLou: Don't worry, I don't remember what my progesterone # was, either. All I remember was that it indicated ovulation. And hey, all this worrying is just going to prepare us for parenthood!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
I had terrible clomid side effects the first month, but it wasn't as bad the second month.
dh and I have decided to not start clomid again until January. As much as I want to be KU RIGHTNOW I don't think I'm healed emotionally. Adding crazy hormones on top of that sounds like a recipe for distaster.
I am pretty sure I just Od. I had 2 day surge instead of the 12ish hour surge I normally get. We had decent timing, O-2, O-1, O. FX it works! It's our first month trying again, so I'm not super hopeful, but since I Od early I hope it's a sign.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: that's awesome timing! I get the hesitancy though if it was not medicated. I had a few cycles like that too. Now the dreaded tww and time to symptom spot
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: January isn't that far away! FX that you get KU on your own before then!
nectarine / 2192 posts
We've been frustrated lately by my RE's office. Some of the staff are idiots, they aren't open on the weekends, and we had a mess scheduling the last IUI to the point that we converted to TI. I talked to my friend's RE office and we are contemplating switching. The new office is 45 minutes away rather than 10, and I hate starting over. On the other hand, this RE does acupuncture himself, doesn't sound like he is pushy on IVF at all, and his staff were super nice and helpful. I had a really good feeling. We have already paid for the third IUI at the current RE, and now making an appointment for the new RE in two weeks. We will get his opinion, then decide on the plan going forward. Hopefully, this cycle works and we waste our time.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: it's so hard to find somebody good! I hope that you don't even need this new guy, but it's awesome that you have another option just in case!
@LibbyLou: @doxielove: thanks! I hope trying to be more zen about it helps. Of course, the longer into the TWW I am, the more I'll symptom spot!
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: waiting is the worst. I keep trying to recalculate when implantation would be so I can test earlier. I'm still a week out!
apricot / 276 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Sorry you're having to deal with all that! I've contemplated switching to a friend's RE as well, but I'm feeling the same as you... I don't want to start over.
@Crystal: @LibbyLou: I hate the TWW. It's the thing I'm most dreading once we start TTC again!
Nothing new on this front. Still feeling a lot of pregnancy symptoms actually, so I don't see myself Oing or getting AF on my own any time soon. Which is fine, cause then I'll just start that Provera the week of Thanksgiving and I'll be Oing around Christmas. Lol. Picked up my Provera, Femara, and my Ovidrel all this week, so I'm ready to go!
clementine / 899 posts
Aaand I'm out. Onto the next...
Went to see the doc at the fertility clinic. Not impressed at all. Not only did I feel rushed and pushed out, apparently my blood test results from SEPTEMBER showed my TSH level is high and I have an under active thyroid, ie hypothyroidism. He decided to wait to tell me this until my appt on Monday instead of calling me to either come in or faxing a RX to my pharmacy. I was REALLY taken aback since I had previously done all the same blood work in June, including TSH levels which were normal, and when I told him that he said "your GP probably didn't check it". I texted my GP and he told me my last labs were within normal limits, on the higher side, but normal. So the doc at the fertility clinic didn't even look at all the blood work I had done prior to my first consult with him. UGH.
With all that said, he is putting me on 0.05mg of eltroxin, gave me requisition to re-test the levels in a month and then come see him again. Also putting me on 5mg of letrozole (femara) since my left tube is blocked according to the HSG (didn't give me a chance to ask about that at all) and confirmed that I'm on the waiting list for a laparoscopy (which I confirmed with the receptionist that the surg probably won't be until Feb or even March).
I realize now I should have been assertive during the appt and made sure my all of my questions were answered.. but its kind of hard when he won't even let you get a word in edge-wise. Like when he told me I HAVE to check my BBT now and when I tried to explain to him that I used to do it and it really stressed me out he just interrupted me and shoved the paper in my face and said "you have to do it while you're on the medication". Sigh.
Sorry for the novel, ladies. Seeing AF today is a lot harder knowing I should have been on both meds this past cycle and could be KU instead...
persimmon / 1132 posts
@HellOnHeels: Hey, just piping in here because I saw your angst and mixed messages about your TSH. Sorry about the run-around your getting, but I hope that having the meds is getting everything where it needs to be! My TSH was also borderline high earlier this year and I learned a few things about it. For one, it's really controversial in the medical community about when to treat. (Any MDs out there? Feel free to refute that or not!) Second, the range of normal differs depending on the lab where it's tested. Third, high-ish TSH alone is not always a reason to treat (well, depending who's talking) and the real evaluation of how your thyroid is functioning is told through several other labs like T4 and thyroid antibodies .... So, to put it in a few words, it's a super gray area and if you ask four different MDs, you will probably get four answers! In fact, that's what I did.
When I found out mine was borderline high, it really stressed me out that my RE did not want to treat it. I mean, I'm investing so much money in IVF and it would be ridiculous to not address an irregularity that can actually be controlled! But after asking a few times in different ways, I gave up. Like you said, I wasn't assertive. So I did a fresh cycle that ended in a freeze-all due to high P and E2 levels and hyperstimulation. The good news is that we have two embies in the freezer and hope to transfer early next year, but I just feel/felt like this unexpected pause was for a reason (or many reasons!). So I've had the opportunity during this IVF time-out to ask my OBGYN, another RE (retired) and my new endocrinologist about my TSH. Of course they don't agree! But in the process, I got good information and also got my TSH re-tested along with all of other thyroid labs so the endocrinologist could see the functionality of my thyroid. Everything came back fine, no need for meds and my TSH is significantly lower than earlier this year! It's still a little higher than the OBGYN wanted, but not like it was earlier this year. So I have information and peace of mind in moving forward with our embryo transfer.
Oh and the other piece of advice I got from the retired RE was, if I do get a positive HPT before my beta, to ask / demand them to test my P, E2 and TSH. No waiting! It's rather aggressive tact but since we know my TSH can fluctuate, and they would expect for it to rise some in pregnancy, that I should be monitored closely.
If there's anything I've learned through this process, it's about being assertive, following my instincts and getting second opinions. For me, these are all good lessons in preparation for being a mom.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@KrzyRiver: what does the proverb do? Does it make AF start?
@LibbyLou: I do the same thing! (And also Google potential due date when my period starts. It's a never ending recalculation!)
@LoveHope: how are you doing?
@HellOnHeels: do you have an option to find a new dr if you aren't confident in this one?
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: I'm doing ok. Getting ready to hopefully O in a few days. I've been very moody on this cycle of Clomid. Everything sets me off. DH is walking on eggshells poor guy
There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break from the Clomid especially when your hormones are still a bit out of their regular routine. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@HellOnHeels: Ugh, sorry to hear all that. TSH is quite controversial. My RE said my TSH of 2.7 is "ok under normal circumstances" but that for fertility purposes, he wants it under 2.5.
As for me, I started worrying that CD11 (Monday, my next monitoring appointment) would be too late to add injectables. I called and have an appointment tomorrow morning (day 8).
persimmon / 1388 posts
Clomid users: tmi question, but how was your CM after O? Usually I'm completely dry, but I've been having SO much creamy CM on clomid. Just so I don't get my hopes up, I'm trying to tell myself that this is not a pregnancy symptom, but rather, just how clomid works
kiwi / 689 posts
@HellOnHeels: Im so sorry to hear about this. My TSH was over 2.5 back in March and they said it would make it more difficult to conceive. I was put on 50mg of Levothyroxine and my levels went under 2.5. Hopefully, with the meds you'll begin to feel better.
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: on clomid mine is tacky. Like if I didn't understand and know as much as I do, post o on clomid would be the only time I would notice CM.
kiwi / 689 posts
@doxielove: Last cycle my cm was a lot like Ewcm and was creamy after ovulation. I also had a lot of it. Hope it's a positive thing for you.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: sorry, friend. I hope DH is being understanding and kind- we aren't taking those crazy pills for fun!
@AmeliaBedilia: how is the timing working for you this month? Feeling good about it?
@doxielove: mine was also really creamy and sticky.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: He is so great that's why I feel bad. Yes we certainly wish we didn't have to take them
You did 2 cycles in total with Clomid right? The first month was great! I felt great. Not so much this cycle.
apricot / 276 posts
@Crystal: Yeah, Provera makes your period start. I told my doctor that I never had a period after my CP last year. I had a 90 day cycle that only ended after I took Provera. Then I had a 100 day cycle and had to take it again. So she went ahead and prescribed it to me so I don't have to wait forever to start the Femara.
nectarine / 2192 posts
Good appointment at CD8- three follicles on right- 13, 12 and 10 and four smaller ones the left. We're adding gonal-F at 25 daily until recheck Monday. He was planning on a higher dose but lowered it so we don't get too many.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Sounds great! Good luck!!
Hi, my name is doxielove, and I am a chronic TWW symptom spotter...
Just had pinky red blood when I wiped. Queue the frantic Googling of "5dpo implantation."
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: lol! I have been really crampy and I KNOW it's too early for implantation but that doesn't stop me from googling it either.
Not to add fuel to your fire, but that sounds promising!!!
apricot / 325 posts
Hi ladies! I hope it's ok for me to jump in here. I noticed a lot of you are taking Clomid. I will be starting Clomid for the first time once I get my next period.
Here's to a GREAT November!!
Cycle Day: 44
TTC Cycle #: 3rd cycle, but 6th month
Ovulation and POAS dates: who knows
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Clomid on days 3-7, OPKs, temping, lots of BD
For fun: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Mashed potatoes! And I make really good rolls that also have mashed potatoes in them. So basically, carbs.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@doxielove: I do that too, even though I've done that a few times before. IF makes anyone crazy.
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