SOS!! DD was born Thursday afternoon and latched immediately. Like they put her to my chest and she found my boob on her own and aggressively glommed on. She wanted to nurse every 90 mins or so through Thursday night and by yesterday my nipples were so beat up already. We saw the IBCLC (whom I already knew and trust) and she immediately noted that DD has a complete tongue tie and partial lip tie. They don't fix them at the hospital and the specialist in our area was closed yesterday so we can't get in until Monday at the earliest. We worked with the LC a lot yesterday to figure out the most comfortable positions to get us through till then but I'm in a lot of pain.

Anyone deal with this and have tips, both for feeding and how to treat my nipples? I'm doing lanolin after each feeding and letting them air dry; since my milk isn't in yet I can't rub any breast milk on them.
