Hellobee Boards


October 2012 babies chat

  1. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beebug: Yes, we will do whatever is best for her and keeps her out of a bunch of hospitals running tests. I will say it's fun to see her try new flavors.

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @jessiejo17: I'm sorry about E's weight. I hope the cereal and veggies help.

    @hellobeeboston: I think I should have had a sobfest. Maybe yesterday would have been easier then. I'm glad things went well for you. Today was easier. No tears, but I'm still so sad to leave him. I shouldn't really complain since I only work until 12. what's your hours like? I can't imagine when I have to go back full time. The adult interaction was nice though and it felt good to get dressed in the morning and put on makeup. So far this is when I'm pumping. I pump at 6:30 AM. This morning I got 9 oz. Then I pump once at work at 10 AM. Yesterday I got 5 oz. I imagine when I go full time, I'll have to pump at 6:30 am, 10 am, 12 pm and 3 pm.

    @Beebug: Sorry C's sleep isn't great. I have no advice re the paci.

  3. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @mrskc: Thanks, I'm keeping a positive mind on it and will find out more in 2 weeks about whether it worked or not. I'm just praying with all the extra calories in the rice and veggies that she will start to chub up

  4. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @mrskc: wow - you got 9oz in one session??? amazing!!! yeah, the sobfest day was good, haha, my face was puffy until saturday afternoon.

    i work from 9:30-6, but i'm leaving this week early as i get back into it.

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I am thinking I should call my doc.

    She just nursed again, and spit up everything.

    She is happy, no fever, and acting normal, but nothing staying down, what gives?

  6. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: is it curdled milk (milk that had gone down to her tummy and come back up) or did it look like regular milk? Can't hurt to call the pedi! As for the paci, I think the only real solution to the paci game is weaning off it, unfortunately...i guess it's good that she only wakes up once during the night for it?

  7. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: agreed! And she always goes right back to sleep! Her sleep is great, it's me who can't get back to sleep. So weird for me. I think it's anxiousness associated with our house being listed. Hit MLS today, one showing booked already, so here's hoping it goes and I can chill out and sleeeeep!

    Spit up is milk soon after she eats and then eventually more spit up like the more time passes (like usual) it's just SO much. Oye.

    Tonight is fitness class with my gf C always fusses for and I never go. Going tonight, no matter what, I need it.

  8. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    My Grandma offered today to have me bring C over (and make some sort of schedule) so I can run! Ask me how excited I am! I gotta start getting more runs in or the 10k race is going to sneak up on me, in a bad way!!!!

  9. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: yay! good luck with the house, hope the selling process is easy foryou.

  10. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    N's 4 month check up went fine. He is 14lbs 14 ounces and 24 inches long. The doctor said that it was ok to start cereal in his evening bottle if we so choose.

    N was all smiles with the nurses and the doctor, until it came time for shots. That was pretty awful. It went extremely fast and he screamed like crazy. It breaks my heart to hear him cry like that. He has been pretty crabby. Also he has been running a fever since yesterday afternoon ( Tylonel is taking care of it though). DS has been extra clingy but I don't mind the extra snuggles.

    Hope all is well.

  11. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Hope he's feeling better! A has his 4 month appt next week. Not looking forward to the shots.

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @MrsRcCar: aw sorry he had a bad reaction to the shots! Hope he's feeling bette.r

  13. JoeysMama

    cherry / 117 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Ugh! These appts are so stressful when there are shots involved. Hope he is better. Enjoy the cuddles!

  14. JoeysMama

    cherry / 117 posts

    MrsRcCar's post reminds me that I wanted to ask you girls for opinions because this is one thing I haven't really researched yet. I know that my doctor will give the option to start LO on cereal at his four month appt in two weeks. I know a lot of people wait until six months. What are the benefits of starting early and waiting? My LO has been growing steadily and sleeps through the night so neither of those concerns are on the table for me. Thanks!

  15. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I need to give this thread a little bump! 3 days ago last reply?

    Hope everyone had good weekends.

    We gave C a banana today, video'd it and oh my goodness, it was hilarious. She just wanted to inhale it. Seemed to really like the taste though!

    Our house sold today, 98% of list price in 6 days, so we're pretty happy.

    I got C back on the bottle, WAH HOO! She had two yesterday (one breast milk, one formula) and two today (both formula) and I am going to try for two a day now, it was nice one today was a bedtime one, and we're going to try to have one at bedtime so I can get out in the eve no problem!

    Cannot get over how much she is all over her fingers, the drool and the chomping is too funny, it would be awesome if we saw a little tooth!

    When do babies (if they're going to) develop allergies? I am going to ask doc, something we thought of today when she wanted to eat everything on my breakfast plate, she got the banana, but the peanut butter toast....not so much, lol.

  16. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @JoeysMama: I think te main reason in starting early is bc a lot of babies Start becoming iron deficient around 4 months. That's why the recommended first food are iron fortified cereal and oatmeal. As for waiting, I think early introduction might be linked with allergies but I could be wrong! It might just be more or a readiness thing. I don't think Leo is anywhere near ready for solids, so I'm planning on waiting til 5 or 6 months.
    @Beebug: so great that your house sold! When does it close? Are you able to stay there til your new house is ready?

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: Yes We got a full price offer, but April closing...lol. So that didn't work aaaat all. This offer was 98% of ask, and August 30th closing, we get our place August 29th, so they'll bridge us for the day which is even better....less rushed moving day! Our far fetched ridiculously long closing date definitely held us back from it not going sooner, but we're still thrilled.

  18. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    Today is my BFP anniversary! Gosh I can't believe it's been a year since we found out little A was on the way. He had a 4 month photo shoot today. I'm so tired! He held up really well. I'm surprised he didn't have a meltdown and he went right down for a nap afterwards. What is everyone doing for V day? We don't have any plans. I haven't even thought about making any plans.

    @Beebug: Congrats on selling the house and for C taking a bottle! Yay!

  19. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: Ohhh can't wait to see pics! I was thinking about doing something with C, but we'll see! Happy BFP anniversary day....this time last year I had only told one of my bff's (aside from DH) whose wedding turned out to be C's birthdate!

    No vday plans, DH has a busy hockey week (playoffs), our dating anniversary is Vday too, my birthday next week, so I almost hope we just have a lazy/normal night in Thursday!!

  20. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    Yikes, I just caught up with this thread, it's so nice to hear about what everyone has been up to! Plus I'm loving everyone's photos and videos on FB. @Beebug: congratulations on your house, both your old one and your new one! @JessieJ017: I hope E starts gaining more weight soon. It's exciting that she's starting all sorts of new foods now.

    I just started taking More Milk Plus to increase my supply - I feel like I'm not really making enough milk for J, especially for his last two feedings of the day. I pump in the morning after his first feeding, and I used to be able to pump 4 or 5 oz, and now I only get 2 oz or so!

    J needs to gain weight, and he doesn't seem to be plumping up at all (though I haven't weighed him since his 3 month appointment). I bought brewer's yeast (though it looks kind of gross - does anyone use that stuff?) and more oatmeal, and fenugreek if the MMP doesn't work. If all else fails, I'll start supplementing with formula before I was going to - I kind of hoped to get through the cold and flu season with breastmilk only.

  21. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: aw yay, can't wait to see pics! No plans for V day, we're leaving that night to go up to Vermont for the weekend.

    @Beehive: just curious, did the doc say that J needed to gain weight or do you just feel like he hasn't been gaining? I ask because L has always been a string bean, and I've been concerned lately that he's dropped in weight percentiles (but he hasn't been weighed since he was 2 months old so I have no actual evidence...). Re: supply, this article was helpful in making me feel better about my supply! http://theleakyboob.com/2011/10/help-my-milk-supply-is-low-or-is-it/

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beehive: have you had him weighed? Did a doc say he isn't gaining enough? It's normal for breasts to feel softer as the day goes on. I feel full in the morning and by evening I feel deflated but he's still getting milk. Is that why you think there isn't enough? Also, listen to hear if he's swallowing. Pumps are not a good indicator of your milk supply. Babies are much more efficient. I definitely don't pump as much as I used to. I think that happens when your supply regulates. I would check with doc before supplementing. You may not need to. Anyways, you're doing a great job!

  23. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Hilsy85: @mrskc: Thanks for the support! At J's 3 month checkup he dropped from in the 40th percentile to the 30th (I forget the exact numbers), and the doctor said I should start feeding him every 3 hours to make sure he was getting full meals each time he ate, since he was kind of snacking all day. So I've been doing that, and it's going really well - he's stopped wanting to eat every 1.5-2 hours and will sometimes go 4 hours between feedings now, depending on his naps.

    So I think I'm just worried because he doesn't seem to be getting chunkier at all, and because of the decreased pumping output, but mrskc, it makes sense what you are saying about my supply regulating. It would be nice to be able to pump some more, so maybe the More Milk Plus will help with that (though I hope it doesn't help too much, I would hate to get engorged overnight - I already am a leaky mess some mornings - not sure why, but the leaking has gotten worse overnight!).

  24. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Goodness gracious, someone save me, lol.

    C was up.....6, 7 times last night? Oh man.....and like at 4:30, then at 5 she was smiling, talking, like wiiiiide awake. I left her in her crib after I nursed her, but of course couldn't sleep hearing her in there. Nursed her just before 2am, and then again 5am, where she happily squawked and squealed! Momma is tired today. Another one of those weeks maybe? She was great the night's previous!

    Thanks for house congrats ladies!

    I am getting closer and closer to cutting the paci. Can I cut it at sleep time and keep it at other times? For those that don't use it, what do you do if you're like.....grocery shopping and LO stays crying/screaming? lol.....I didn't realize how dependent on it *I* have become.....but I'm just not sure how to go backwards, totally open and willing too.

    Anyone that got linea negra (sp?) do you still have it? Mine I think is finally starting to really fade, but is definitely still there.

  25. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: hmm could be the 4 month sleep regression!! I feel like we're all dealing with it in some form or another.

    As for the paci, we are still using it at naptime, bedime, and usually whenever he's cranky (because he's almost always cranky because he's tired, and the paci helps him fall asleep). So we are right there with ya!

  26. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @beebug - we've only used the paci during the day, never at night or during naps. It works great for us.

    We go to the dr for D's 4 month check up on Friday, I can't wait to see how much she's grown.

    Nothing too crazy to report here. D still hasn't rolled over yet. She's getting really good at sitting up though, she can almost do a tripod. D just seems to be pretty easygoing and a happy baby and I am so thankful every day.

    Pumping at work is going well. I got my free pump through insurance so now I leave one at work. It's so nice to having to lug it back and forth! I'm pumping about 18 oz a day and I've got a good freezer stash (225 oz!).

  27. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beebug: I hear you on the pacifier, she never took one until she was 3 months and now she LOVES it. I said said we would cut it at 6 months and introduce a lovey at that time that would hopefully take the place of it to soothe.

  28. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    This sounds AWFUL but we ended up giving C drugs tonight. Infant tylenol. Her cheeks were bright red, she was sneezing, she napped SO hard today and you could tell was not herself. So maybe she's a little sick....or teething? We figure it won't hurt her, gave her a nice warm bath tonight, she took the bottle no problem and was asleep before we got her to her crib, poor thing.

    We're checking on her like crazy now though!

    Ok. So those who don't use paci, again.....what do you do when you're like at the grocery store and LO starts screaming? Again, I think it's more me who struggles how to go without it now. And at naptime or bedtime, you just lay them in their crib and the go to sleep? Cry a bit first? Suck thumb/fingers? Or you rock them to sleep or ? and then lay them down?

    @jessiejo17: lovey? Like a little stuffed animal blanket thing? I have a stuffy with a head, then the rest is blanket, is that like a lovey? We got a zillion of those as gifts, some are so nice and I wasn't sure when we'd use them.

    Just got in from a run, shower time....I haven't run in a couple weeks now, need to get on that.

  29. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beebug: my LO wouldn't take a paci for the longest time. We just reintroduced it a couple weeks ago and just use it occasionally to get him to nap. When I take him out, I always bring my beco carrier with me. If he starts fussing or crying, we put him in that and he's usually content. For bedtime, I nurse him to sleep then transfer him to the pack n play. For naps, we rock him then transfer him to the crib. Not really ideal, but I'm not too worried about nursing and rocking to sleep at this point.

  30. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Beebug: I'm with you, I don't know what we'd do without the pacifier! It's so nice to be able to give it to him when he's fussing in his stroller. I've been giving it to him less at home - generally when he's fussy here that's a sign to me that it's time for his next nap - but I have definitely been using it to get him to sleep for naps (along with a little rocking in his crib). J can't suck his fingers while sleeping yet, since he's still swaddled with his arms in. Our nanny that we just hired for when I go back to work in a couple months seems to be anti-pacifier though, so I imagine she'll stop him using it. More power to her!

    J rolled from back to front for the first time today! He was playing on his own with some toys in his crib while I was in the next room for a minute, and when I came back in he was on his tummy! I couldn't believe it. Hopefully it will take a little while before he's able to roll in his swaddle - I'm really not looking forward to getting rid of his swaddle and messing with his sleep!

  31. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    Ack it feels so long since I posted on this thread, I can't believe our babies are growing up so quick!

    Miss A is now seventeen weeks old and we are officially in the middle of teething! We had a terrible day last Wednesday, poor wee girl shouted all day, had very rosy cheeks and was just miserable. I caved and gave her some baby paracetamol at 5pm and she was so much more comfortable thank goodness. I can actually see the wee tooth just under the gum so I'm hoping it cuts through without too much trouble.

    Unfortunately we're back having issues with breastfeeding again, Miss A started a partial breast refusal about ten days ago and she's still being funny about feeding now. Every other time I go to put her in the cradle / cross cradle hold she arches her back and cries every time I bring her to the boob. It's just so frustrating and makes it difficult to take her out anywhere. When I'm at home I can feed her lying down or hanging over her but it's not really that appropriate for nursing in public! I'm hoping this is just a phase because our latch has really suffered and I'm having some pain issues which are not being helped by the teething process.

    On a more positive note though we finally have rollover! About fifteen minutes after A had the paracetamol she rolled over three times! Hasn't done it since, but I'll take what I can

    @Beebug: Miss A has never taken a paci but we're lucky that she seems to be comforted by being held by either myself or DH, we've so far managed to avoid any major meltdowns while out in public... With regards to the naps, I try to put her down right about the 1.5 hour mark and she usually grizzles / cries for about two minutes and then puts herself to sleep

    @Beehive: We're finally starting to space out feedings now, keep the faith with the breastfeeding, you're doing a great job! Just out of curiousity, has Baby shot up in height / length? You might find he bounces up again in either weight or height at his next weigh-in.

  32. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @kemma - I've read that sometimes babies have trouble or pain while breastfeeding if they are teething. I bet that's what's going on! Sorry you're going through it

    @beehive & @ kemma - yay for rollovers!!!

  33. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Kemma: hugs! we're going through something similar with LO re: breast refusal...it's super frustrating/upsetting when they scream and won't nurse, eh? Sorry to hear that A's teeth are bothering her--I'm thinking L might be going through some teething as well, as he wants to put everything in his mouth and CHOMP down on it, not even suck but chew chew chew! No particularly rosy cheeks though. We'll see what the pedi says next week at his appt. And yay for rolling over!

    @Beebug: don't feel bad! Infant tylenol isn't what I would call "drugs", lol. If it helped her be more comfortable, then that's great.

    @Beehive: that would be awesome if your nanny could paci wean J! Then you would get to avoid that whole issue

  34. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beebug: Yes, something like that! Something that she can use to help her soothe back to sleep the way her pacie does now! She's rolling over both ways, so I think when the time comes I'll be a little more comfortable having something in the crib with her.

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Last night was theeee worst. And now she's been napping almost two hours this morning.

    I have an awful crack on my one nipple, something I haven't had since like week three!!! It's killer. I am going to try to nurse her on the right, pump that side so it heals quick!

    I have a thought, and I'm not sure it makes sense. I mean all of this could be her sick, or sleep regression, wonder week, whatever. But the crappy nights seem to align with getting her on formula/bottles too, is that just co-incidence or could she be set off by all of that? I am going to try to pump enough for bedtime bottle today and give her a breast milk bottle instead of formula tonight and see if that makes a difference?

    Poor thing, I'm so angry at night, but now today just feel awful for her and whatever is going on.

    @hilsy85: lol on "drugs" I never take anything, hardly ever, so I just group anything, even as simple as tylenol drugs, I best get over that with a little one!

    @Kemma: I hope the breast refusal passes soon, we had a rough bit there in January with that and have thankfully passed through it, if she refuses me she usually smiles and giggles now, in lieu of freaking/screaming -a lot easier on the heart, and I hope she gets back on you soon no problem.

    C still really isn't rolling! I thought last week she was going to start, she's only gone over twice on her own, but has no real desire too! I roll her over, then put her on her elbows and she definitely doesn't mind it, but really has no desire to move, aw well, it'll come I suppose! DH thinks she's just going to skate before she rolls/crawls/walks, lol.

  36. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Kemma: Yay for rolling over!!! I hope the tooth cuts soon for both of you!

    @Beebug: Hope C is feeling better. N LOVES his pacifer. Dh and I are ok with him keeping it until he loses his bottle for good. If he weans from it sooner then that then so be it. I had to give N some pain medicine the other day because he had such awful tummy pains from a reaction to his shots...poor guy.

    This past week has been pretty busy and rough in our house. N got his shots last wednesday. Thursday and friday he was very sore feverish. Saturday he seemed to be doing better but still pretty fussy. Saturday night/Sunday Morning N was up EVER hour. I was so confused he has never ever been this way. Sunday when we got up for the day the both of us were pretty miserable. (We spent all day saturday at my grandma's house getting it cleaned and packed to move). Needless to say I was feeling pretty awful Sunday. I am back on meds to combat the infection I have raging in my lungs. (thankfully it is not something I can give to LO.) I am not sure what is going on with him since his shots because he has been having extremely mucus-like bowel movements (TMI sorry). I haven't changed my diet or anything. I need to call the ped office tomorrow. N has been eating well though so maybe it just has to do with all the drool. The fussy ness has calmed way down which is good, I hate to see the poor guy all upset.

    Tomorrow is our BFP anni. DH, N and I are going to dinner out of town with my folks. I know it sounds weird but we always have a great time. It is weird to think this time last year I was still trying to tell myself (and DH) that there was no way I was pregnant.

    I know I haven't posted lately but I have been reading from my phone!

  37. JoeysMama

    cherry / 117 posts

    @hilsy85: I didn't know about the iron deficiency. Thanks for the info. (I knew it would be so much quicker to just ask here, lol.) I was thinking it could be a readiness thing too. It is funny how quickly things can change. LO's appetite is completely voracious right now and I can see the ounces creeping up. I can see how we may need some cereal to satisfy him sooner rather than later. We'll see what the dr says. I will definitely look into the allergy link though. Thanks!

    @Beebug: LO used paci for about a month but once he realized he could get his hands into his mouth independently, he prefers to suck on them! When he is really upset he self soothes. I keep two surefire toys with me for supermarket trips. He has a stuffed duck he loves to suck on and a musical toy that lights up, which really distracts him. Luckily for me, he usually falls asleep in the supermarket because of the motion of the cart. He takes a bottle before bed at night but unfortunately for naps during the day, I have to rock. He sucks on his hands but won't just fall asleep. I go back to work next week and he will be staying with DH and my mother. I am sure they will break him of that habit, lol! PS you are not horrible for giving LO Tylenol when sick! So sorry to hear she (and you) are having a tough time!

    @Beehive: @Kemma: Congrats on the rolls!!!

    @MrsRcCar: Sorry to hear N isn't doing well. Hope he feels better quickly!

  38. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    D had her 4 month visit today & all is well! She was 13 lbs 13 oz and 25 & 1/8 inches long. Her %s have dropped a little but our dr said she wasn't worried at all. She got 4 shots and only cried for the last 2 shots. She seemed to do well today too - no fever.

    I am finally going to try swaddle weaning this weekend... Well step 1. I put her in a woombie instead of the miracle blanket. Hoping she'll get used to that and then we can do arms free. I really hope I'm not going to screw up our good sleeper!!! Wish us luck

  39. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    hi ladies. hope everyone is doing well. Wondering how many of you have started with rice cereal and/or other food besides milk? Or what are your plans for it? How is it going? L is coming up on 4 months so just wondering.

    L is doing well. DH and I caught a small cold, which I then gave to L. She had a runny nose and sneezing, plus watery goopy eyes. but she seems to be getting better. i used the nosefrida for the first time, that thing is amazing! she doesn't like it too much however. she also has been waking up every night around 4:30am...its about 9 hours of sleep. sometimes she fusses and goes back to sleep, other times she starts really crying so i feed her. she's done a good number of 11-12 hour nights, i just wish it were more consistent!

    we're going to the Caribbean next week for 5 nights, i am excited to get away but nervous about traveling with the baby! this will be our first flight with her. i bought her a couple bathing suits and tried to find swim diapers today but they don't come in anything under 16 lbs! oh well.

    hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  40. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: wow! Impressive BFing stash! And I can't believe you get 18 oz a day - jealous! How many times do you pump? I do 3x a day and only get 13oz usually, maybe 14, sometimes only 12.... It's barely enough to keep up with the little man

    @JessLC: we are talking to our ped about rice cereal at our appt in 2 weeks! Curious to see how that will go! Where are you going in the Caribbean ?? Jealous! Sounds like heaven.

    @Beebug: still have a very faint linea nigra (sp?) but I feel like it will be gone by summer.

    J is doing well! Some funky sleep issues, up at 3 the last 2 nights to eat - weird... Went right back down though until 7. May try giving him some formula to have as a backup option, or maybe to give once during the day.... Work is Ok, need a new job. Up
    Pumping at work has been pretty good, wish I made more milk.

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