If you have/had kids who were holding pee/poop for whatever reason, how are you/did you fix it? My daughter is newly trained - just a few weeks at this point - and she has a history of holding poop, which leads to pretty bad constipation. We're working on it with OTC meds, giving her the flexibility to use the diaper rather than potty, etc. (it seems to be a psychological issue for her more than physical, though we're not sure why). However, I'm noticing now that she's starting to hold pee as well, even when we put her on the potty (like this morning, she woke up dry and insisted she didn't need to go though she does every morning and after some coaxing and encouraging, she went just fine). She's been very comfortable with the potty (for peeing, anyway) and hasn't had any accidents, and it doesn't seem to be fear based, but I'm worried it's going to become a habit, like with #2, and lead up to UTIs and who knows what else. We've been talking to her daycare to make sure they're encouraging her too, but I'd love any ideas on how to help her with this. Thanks!