Hellobee Boards


Progesterone Suppositories

I started vaginal suppositories on Saturday (2 per day) however my doctor didn't say how long I would need to be on them if this pregnancy progresses.
I put one in when I go to bed and another about 30 minutes before I get up in the morning. I have yet to have any exaggerated symptoms but I feel gross. For those of you that know the feeling, how long were you on them? 12 weeks? Any tips on feeling a little cleaner down there?

Oh and how long did it take for the exaggerated symptoms to show up? My boobs are sore but they were that way before I started the supplements and I have a little nausea, but that's it.

  1. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    no extra symptoms from mine. Yup the gross feeling is normal. I hated how wet it made everything down there. Liners are your friend. I was on them until 10ish weeks but had a few pills left so weaned off just before 12 weeks.

  2. Run2shore

    cherry / 100 posts

    I started vaginal suppositories within a day or two of confirming pregnancy. My Dr prescribed them for once a day, right before bed.

    I used them until the end of the first trimester - I think I ended up using them through 14 weeks?

    Unfortunately no tips on how to deal with the messiness. I went through a lot of underwear :O

    I never noticed any exaggerated symptoms either.

  3. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Banana330: @Run2shore: thanks girls. I've definitely been using liners but the worst part is just constantly feeling "wet". It's annoying but I'll take it if it means a healthy pregnancy!

  4. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @mrskansas: unfortunately I never found anything. I also found the seams of my underwear/jeans could sometime cause chaffing from the wetness. It's only a short but annoying period.

  5. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Banana330: Yikes that does not sound pleasant. But you're absolutely right, it's for such a short time in the grand scheme of things.

  6. Mrs. Starfish

    blogger / apricot / 439 posts

    I hear you - I think I ruined two pairs of pants when panty liners just didn't cut it with those things! I was on them for 10-12 weeks. No exaggerated symptoms to speak of.

  7. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Ok, so this is super nasty, but I read it somewhere it else and it helped me (I used them until about 12w).


    In the shower, stick a finger up there and gently sweep around to get all the old stuff out. It turns to like a really sticky, cottage cheese like glue and gets totally foul. Whenever I did that, I would get out like huge clumps of old progesterone supplements that had gotten stuck up there. YUCK. But I think that helped. It was still gross using them, but it helped to clean it out periodically.

  8. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @MrsADS: I read that somewhere & did it yesterday. It was super nasty what was left in there.
    I don't know if I will be able to have sex between now & stopping because there is always so much in there.

  9. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I used them until around 12 weeks, always with liners. And I'm glad @MrsADS typed out her explanation because that's what I did and it really helped (but was not looking forward to explaining it lol). I used mine at night and "cleaned" in the shower in the morning.

  10. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    I used them until around 12 weeks as well. Super gross and nasty feeling!

  11. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I was on them till 12 weeks.
    No extra symptoms that I'm aware of.
    As far as tips...well, 1) I wore pantyliners 2) its gross and TMI but...I got those finger cots that look like tiny condoms 😜 and I would go up there and clean myself out. I also felt like I should because there's a lot of buildup and I was worried it would impede the medicine from getting to where it needed to go (this wasn't medical advice I got, just my own paranoid logic).

    It sucks tremendously but itll be over before you know it! Hang in there. I chose that over PIO shots for my new rounds of IVF if I have a transfer.

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