There's a high chance that this pregnancy is going to end in a scheduled c-section. I still have a long ways to go until the end of this pregnancy, but since it was just brought up at my OB/GYN a few days ago, it's been on my mind.

I'm so clueless about the whole process, so if you mamas who have gone through it would answer these questions for me, that would be great.

1. How long ago was it?
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
7. Who held baby after it came out?
8. Who cut the cord?
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
18. How does your section scar feel now?
19. Anything you’d like to add?