If you anticipated a 3+ yr age gap, did you save your baby gear, especially the items that are only for NB/infants? Off the top of my head, I'm wondering about our bouncer, swing, car seat, click-in car seat stroller, bottles (we have a ton of 2 brands), etc - things that take up a fair amount of space. Not the crib or PnP.

On one hand, I feel wasteful selling it if I know we want to try for another child. We have a garage and live in the 'burbs, so space isn't *critical* but I have *some* minimalist leanings.

On the other hand, I feel a little silly storing large items something for 2.5 years. This is especially since most items were bought used and could be sold for the same amount the same $$. I also might want to upgrade/buy new items for LO3 if they have significantly better features for a decent price. I don't care about having "fancy" stuff but I do like very functional items, and improvements in function.

Thoughts? I'm only pregnant with LO2 here, but just thinking about things since we are supposed to rearrange the garage/kid storage in a couple weeks.