I finally got fitted for running shoes and was measured at a men's size 7 extra wide. :O That translates to a women's size 9 extra extra wide.

Before I got pregnant with my first, I was wearing a 7.5-8 regular width shoe. I think the sizing is a bit off because the 9s were wayyyy too long. But still!!

The biggest issue is the width... I know I have always had slightly wide feet, but now I'm realizing that wearing regular width shoes on a daily basis is probably causing issues! The salesman squeezed my feet and said "there's a bone here, you need to respect the bone." I haven't been respecting the bone and I've been having foot pain!

Where do you shop for wide (or extra wide...!! or extra extra wide!!) width shoes? I'm good for running shoes for a while, so what I'll need to look for in the future are dress shoes, maybe a pair of heels, etc.