But not from my delivery. From THIS visit:

The one where I stayed for 27 hours with intense stomach pain and cramps that caused me to start early labor (which STOPPED). I was in so much pain I was wailing through each contraction I had under the stomach pain. 100x worse pain than my pitocin induced contractions I had a week later.

They charged me $2,000 AFTER insurance for some monitoring, blood work, Mylanta, excruciating cervical checks, tears, and a traumatizing experience. I left with no baby and no answers as to why I had so much pain. Just adds insult to injury. Brings back the rage I felt that day when they said "youre fine! Your pains gone. You can go home!"

Guess it's not unexpected but now I'm really dreading my L&D bill that includes an induction and c-section.