I'm struggling right now, I'm pregnant and feeling miserable and kind of wondering what on Earth we got ourselves into. I have worked with children through my whole adult life and have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I get to do that but wow this doesn't look like what I have in my head. I feel like rather than even striving for some lovely picture perfect thing each day we're barely hitting the bare minimum. I feel burnt out and I don't even have the energy to try and change anything! My daughter is in the middle of an intense tantrum phase and we spent the entire day at home today because she literally refused to leave- which resulted in me having a less than lovely meltdown too. I have all of these ideas of fun ways to spend the day but my 2.5 year old toddler would prefer to drink water and spit it on the floor, hang out in a poopy diaper and throw everything on the floor the second she's over it. Any pearls of wisdom for me? Because right now all I see is that it's about to get worse when we add a baby and less sleep to our lives in twelve weeks...