I'm feeling really frustrated and down today I feel like I'm really struggling w/my LO's transition from baby to toddler. She's 11 months old now and is constantly on the move - crawling, cruising, climbing, you name it. Most days, she doesn't stop moving from the minute she wakes up around 7AM. She fights naps all the time, which means that sometimes she's up for 5 or 6 hours at a time. We've pretty much baby-proofed the living room, but I still have to constantly watch and follow her around so that she won't fall or get stuck behind something like the couch. Also, she's extremely attached to me and won't let me leave her side.

I feel like I can't get anything done during the day. It's 10:30AM here, and I barely had a chance to finish my coffee. I never get to cook because she ALWAYS wants me to be right next to her. I'm a total clean freak and my messy house is driving me crazy. I don't know how she does it, but she manages to make a mess out of everything. I feel like I'm constantly cleaning up after her. There are piles of laundry that need to be folded, the carpet needs a vacuuming, the bathrooms are messy, but I just can't get to it during the day. DH helps out as much as he can, but he definitely has a higher threshold for messes, and he works a lot so all house-related stuff is usually left up to me. I know I need to just let it go, but the littlest thing being out of order just drives. me. insane.

Just needed to vent. I think everything is made worse by the fact that we're all sick w/a cold, LO is teething, and her sleep is absolutely horrendous. It takes me at least an hour to put her to sleep every night, and when she wakes up screaming every few hours... GAH. As soon as she gets over this cold, I'm sleep training her again. I think the lack of sleep is magnifying everything for me.

I need a mental health day