I am growing increasingly anxious and terrified about leaving my 2.5 year old when I go into labor. She's extremely attached to me, especially lately, and we haven't had an overnight away from her in a long time. I lay down with her every night for bed and she's so used to this routine.

I'm so scared she's going to think something happened to us or that I abandoned her. I know I would feel more at ease if she was with my parents during this time, but we are in another state than them so that's not possible. She will be with DHs cousin, who she knows and sees a lot, but still not the same. I also have this irrational crazy fear about them forgetting her in car if they take her to daycare, or forgetting to pick her up, since it's not part of their routine. Also having crazy thoughts about dying during childbirth and leaving LO without a mom. I know these are highly unlikely, but the thoughts creep into my head at times.

I'm contemplating having DH come with me to hospital but then coming home at night to be with LO1. I don't know what to do.

Does anyone have any advice that would make this easier on me or LO? Did you do anything to prepare your LO for you being gone a couple days?