My newly three year old has been insisting things are true (that clearly aren't)....and losing her stuff when people try to tell her otherwise. To some extent, I've been trying to just ignore it and give her an "mmm-hmmm" when it doesn't matter....but in a lot of cases, it needs to be corrected.

For example, already this morning, she came yelling to me that her (older) sister had her (the three year old's) dress. The dresses look the same, so I showed the three year old that this dress was actually a size 4 (her sister's) and on a pink hanger (her sister's), and took her to her closet to show her that her dress was there, in a size 2, on a white hanger. Full on fit ensued, with her insisting that that it was not her dress, and the one her sister was now putting on was hers. Similar scenario when my five year old went to finish cards for her teachers. In spite of them being drawings beyond my three year old's current capability, and having my five year old's name printed on them, the three year old near lost it insisting that they were HERS.

Any tips on how to handle this better?! I struggle enough to deal with daily meltdowns over "actual" preschooler problems; it's really getting to me to try to deal with these manufactured problems as well! I'm guessing that to her, these are very real problems - so I do want to brush her off, but I also feel like she needs to realize that sometimes, what she wants to be true is not necessarily so!