My brother in law is getting married this fall, so at that time I'll have a one month old baby (estimating based on due date) and a 2 year old toddler. The wedding is out of town about three hours away. My husband is a groomsman.

Some things I'm concerned about:

The ceremony is a traditional Catholic mass, so it will last roughly an hour. I'm not sure how my toddler will handle that, as he tends to be very loud and impatient whenever we go out places.

My husband is a groomsman and my MIL, who usually helps with my son, will want to give her full attention to the wedding. I'm not sure how to juggle a baby and a toddler on my own in such a situation.

The reception doesn't start until 7, and my toddler goes to bed at 8. He gets very cranky when he's overtired. Should I push him to stay up, or leave early?

I was shy about nursing in public with my first, so I'm not sure how I'll feel this time around. Finding someplace private to feed with a toddler in tow could be challenging.

Any tips or ideas on how to survive the wedding? I appreciate the help!