I am a teacher and I am due 2 weeks after we come back from Christmas break. If it wasn't for break, I'd do my best to work all the way til LO comes (and/or due date), but I think it's going to be so difficult to have 2 weeks off then come BACK to work at 38 weeks(!!), and kick off a new year, a new academic quarter, a new unit.... and then leave right away. So I want to start my FMLA at 38 weeks... even though I know baby might not come until 41, and that means I'll "use up" some of my FMLA on non-baby time.

I talked to my OB and explained this to him, and he was very much against the idea of me starting leave early. He assured me I would regret losing that time with the baby and told me he's seen too many women do that. He's the one that has to sign off for FMLA and short term disability, so.... yeah.

I get what he's saying, but the last weeks of pregnancy sound miserable and I can't imagine being on my feet 8 hours a day, with restricted bathroom access and teaching 160 8th graders....

So.... share with me some optimistic stories Did anyone have any luck trying to start maternity leave before baby comes? Especially if you had to "convince" your OB? Or, do I need a reality check and need to realize his opinion is right?