Hi ladies.. I have an appointment with a RE tomorrow and was going over some lab work that was done back in February. I noticed that my TSH level was 3.02 which did not flag anything. After doing some research I found that levels should ideally be between 1-2.
I was 4 weeks pregnant at the time of the lab work, which, according to some online articles, can slightly raise TSH. I ended up losing that pregnancy shortly after but we knew the cause so it wasn't related to any thyroid problem. Before that loss I had one MC and one ectopic.
My TSH in October of 2016 was 1.98 and I was not pregnant at the time.

Should I be concerned about this level? I have had 2 or 3 chemical pregnancies since the lab work was done and now I'm feeling upset that my RE at the time didn't catch this.
I will definitely be requesting this be rechecked at my appointment tomorrow but I'm looking for some reassurance in the meantime.