First time poster here! DH and I just started TTC for this first time this cycle, so I am in my first 2ww. I've recently discovered I'm not as patient as I thought I was!

While I am excited about the possibilities for our future family, I've never been the type prone to baby fever. DH and I talked it over and figured we're in a good place financially and own our home, have retired in-laws nearby who are eager to babysit, and we know we want to have kids. I just started feeling like I will never be more ready than I am now, even if I'm not really "ready", so I should stop overthinking it and just go for it. I don't think there will ever necessarily be a better time and DH definitely feels ready, so we decided to start trying.

I see a lot of my friends with baby fever and I can't really relate. I feel like maybe I'm approaching this from more of a logical/practical place than an emotional one. I know that I want kids but I just have yet to feel giddy at the prospect.

Did anyone else feel this way when TTC, or know someone that did? Did your feelings change throughout the pregnancy or after you had the baby?