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Vaginal Checks- how many?

  1. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    Checked me in triage (only 2 ) around midnight and not again til the morning after night on epi & pitocin (5 cm) and then the last time when I was at 10. Plus I had been checked that am at the dr's. I would definitely decline the checks every hour, that seems excessive.

  2. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I was checked weekly starting at 36w...

    At the hospital I was checked when I was admitted, again before they placed the epidural (to make sure it was worth it) then once before breaking my water and once more after .... She did not check me before I started pushing - just said if your body feels ready then it likely is (I had been 9cm at last check).

    Fwiw - my water was broken after I was 8cm when she knew the epi was in and effective. So really she only checked once after my water was broken. The whole things was 7hrs in total...

  3. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    My water broke before my contractions started, but I don't remember anyone saying anything about trying to limit checks because of that.

    I was checked in triage (2 cm), and then again when my OB stopped in about two hours later (3-4cm). A few hours after that, I asked for a sedative and they checked me then (5cm). About 2 hours later, when I told them "either that was transition or I need an epidural", a nurse checked and I was fully dilated.

  4. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    Once when I arrived at the hospital and maybe one after that - it's all a bit blurry.

  5. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I finally allowed a check after about 20 hours when I was considering an epidural. I was I think about a 7/8 so I decided to continue on. At 26 hours I asked to be check again and I was a 9 but since he was posterior I was dilating unevenly and swollen on one side. That's when I got pit and an epidural. After that I had a few more checks. So maybe 5 total over 36 hours. And none during pregnancy.

  6. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    Zero ... None during pregnancy or labor. I wasn't totally opposed to them (if my care providers thought I wasn't progressing or something wasn't right, I would have consented).

  7. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    DS1 - 0....I had a scheduled c-sec and made it to the date/time he was to be delivered.

    DS2 - I'd guess 4-5 in the last two weeks (all in triage), but it felt like 10000. He didn't make it to his scheduled c-sec and came early.

  8. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    I labored for 36 hours before my C-section. I think I was checked 5–6 times during my entire induction.

  9. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    I think this past pregnancy we started checking at 37w, so 2 or 3 in office then a few in l&d. I didn't really worry about it because every time they told me why they were checking and it seemed like good reasoning to me. If I remember right it was when I got to the hospital (5), a bit after epi, and I think when the dr got there, and then again as I was feeling some pressure and was almost there then once more as I started pushing? Less with dd but I got there at an 8, then labored overnight with an epi.


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