We've had a lot of sleep issues and I totally realize this is very minor. I'm really grateful LO is sleeping like such a rock star lately! I think that is why I'm trying to tweak to make it better... I'm worried this is the start of a backslide into suck lol.

Anyways! LO started sleeping really late in the morning. She used to wake about 7 and go down for a nap at 12:30. Then she started waking up later and later and fighting her nap, so I had to keep pushing her nap back. Currently we let her sleep until 8:15 before waking her (about 50/50 on her waking around 8 vs. being woken at 8:15). Then she goes down for a nap at 1:30 (earlier and she cries when I put her down). She sleeps until about 3 most days. Bedtime is 8pm.

Lately she's started having a harder time at bedtime. For the last few months it has been: I set her down, she rolls over, she is asleep before I even get the monitor turned on in my room. She's been staying awake in her crib longer and longer. Last night was about 20 min. She isn't crying but she's sort of whining a little and rolling around trying to sleep.

I don't know if this is maybe some sort of very minor sleep regression? (she's 15 mo)

Or maybe she just needs a longer awake time in the evening? Which would mean pushing her whole schedule back (like wake her at 7:30, down for nap at 1?