My LO is 10 months to the day. In the past week her wake ups have gotten progressively earlier and I have no idea why. As in normally sleeping until 7-730 and today 540. Gah.
Her schedule: naps from 930-1015. 45 min like clockwork
Pm nap is 230 to 4 ish sometimes less but never more. Sometimes she wakes after 45 min but generally she will sleep again for 45 min after fussing for 5-10 min

Night: bedtime at about 630/645 plus or minus depending on the last nap.
Wake up: it USED to be 7 am on the dot. Over the past week it has become 540 (this morning)

I don't know why!!!! She's not sick. Diaper isn't dirty. She's not cold I don't think. She's teething but has been for a few weeks. Wakes screaming.
I'm hesitant to feed her because I don't want to create a habit. And she is def eating enough (milk and solids) during the day. I generally try to leave her in the crib to roll around and fuss (escalating to screaming) until 630.

Any ideas? She seems too young to go to one nap. She can't stay up later than 7 before starting to lose it.