I'm starting work again in 3 weeks and I usually leave my house at 6am to arrive by 6:15. I'm a pastry chef so early hours! LO will be 12 weeks and maybe it's just my mommy brain but I don't know what to expect our morning routine to be. Do you have a similar schedule and how do you handle it?
Babysitter lives close by so DH will do that around 9 or 10 am most likely. I guess I'm wondering how it will affect our feedings. Right now DD sleeps about around 9pm-7am, with one feed sometime between 3-5am. Maybe we will both wake at 5am and I'll nurse her, DH will make coffee/breakfast and then I'll put her back down and get ready and leave, and then DH can do some work while she sleeps until 7am then get her up for the day, babysitter drop off etc...
I know there are lots of options here, I'm just curious what your morning routine is so I can try to get us on one too!