I noticed LO's belly button looked odd after his cord fell off. I'd never seen (well, paid attention to) a newborn's belly button prior to having my son. It looked weird, but I assumed it was normal. I just thought he had an outie.

As time has passed, my instincts started telling me that maybe it wasn't normal. I researched it and decided that it could be an umbilical hernia. Everything I read said they are fairly common and often resolve themselves so I didn't worry.

This week, I noticed a slight drainage that has me concerned. It doesn't bother him at all to touch it, and it's not hard, so that makes me feel a little better.

My mom (a nurse) checked it out and has no idea as to what it could be. She said she thinks it's ok to wait until his 2 month checkup on Friday to get it checked out; I'm still worried though.

Has anyone seen anything like this? Please excuse the blurry pic, I couldn't keep him still enough to take a good one.