When I was in high school I was a super keener. Always raised my hand to answer. When I wasn't picked, I would raise my hand and then wave it in the air like a total geek. I worked hard, I obsessed over my homework, and I was a really good kid. Then in grade 12 I went through a phase of fed-upness. I was fed up with trying to hard, fed up working so hard, fed up being the good girl. So I stopped participating, I slouched in my seat. I mumbled my answers. I shrugged my shoulders. I did all of this even though the keener inside of me wanted to shout out the answers. Well, this phase abuptly ended when ALL of teachers, concerned that something was terribly wrong, phoned my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got into *SO* much trouble that night. SIGH.

So much for being rebellious. It was a phase that lasted about 2 weeks.

Did you go through a phase?