How do you handle disagreements between your care providers? We're IUGR (baby is 6th percentile), and my Maternal Fetal Medicine doc wants me to have both a BPP and NST each week. He said if I want to do one with them and the other with my OB that is fine. Well, when I went to schedule with my OB, OB thinks it's too much and my MFM doc is new to their practice and a great doctor but really by the book. He only wants to see me every other week. I will have the BPP with MFM every week regardless. So at my BPP today, MFM doc says I should come into them for the second test on the weeks I don't see my OB. I see them both next week already and he said we can evaluate frequency after her growth check, which will be Friday. If she has grown enough, maybe we can agree to scale back. But if she's still that small, my DH and I tend to agree with MFM and find the checks reassuring. It is the difference between being seen four times or three times across two weeks so maybe not a big deal, but I feel awkward being in the middle of this. Would you keep up the twice weekly appointments? Also just not thrilled to have to push back on OB. He's super nice but communication with him often feels like a challenge.