Hellobee Boards


Which political party do you affiliate yourself with?

  • poll: Which political party?
    Democratic Party : (119 votes)
    62 %
    Republican Party : (45 votes)
    23 %
    Libertarian Party : (11 votes)
    6 %
    Green Party : (4 votes)
    2 %
    Other : (14 votes)
    7 %
  1. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Fiscally moderate, socially liberal!

  2. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: I too was often a lone Republican in my poli sci classes (that's what I get for going to school in Boston).

  3. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Conservative/republican. Far right.

  4. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I am a democrat. I prefer "progressive" over liberal though. I think it sounds bad to say "fiscally liberal" because that brings to mind spending "freely" and it's better to "conserve" your finances. But the idea tht the government's budget is anything like a household budget is a huge myth. There is a reason the government increases the deficient during a down economy - it's its responsibility to spend money on programs and people that will spur the economy, even if that's something you would never do as a household. Things like SNAP have the biggest return on boosting the economy, much bigger than tax cuts.

    I am "pro-life" (as much as I hate that term - I feel like it is so loaded. I do believe in the sanctity of life. But I don't tend to believe that oft proposed legislation is beneficial. I think we should improve economic opportunities for women, make child bearing and raising more affordable, and reduce the stigma of single parenting instead.

  5. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    I usually identify with "moderate" candidates - though usually those are Democrats these days. I used to be much more fiscally conservative, but the more I see of the world, the more I realize that the current Republican policies just don't work. But mainly, I am just really, really sick of the inability of our *leaders* to act like adults and work together to run this country.

  6. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    progressive through and through!

  7. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    I identify as a libertarian. I was raised as a liberal democrat but as I got older and started really thinking about things, I realized that I'm definitely not a liberal. I typically vote libertarian or republican because I believe fiscal issues are more important than social issues for the long term stability of our country. I usually say I am fiscally conservative and socially moderate.

  8. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @lawbee11: @yoursilverlining: @lemondrop: @Boheme: not entirely related to the topic of this thread, but I just came across this and had to share! http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2014/10/ruth-baby-ginsburg-ruling-halloween-today

  9. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @MrsSCB: That is so adorable! I saw this one as well. I want to dress LO up as RBG next year!


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