Oh dear, I hate to even ask, but we are having a tough time.

DS was "successfully" daytime potty trained last June right after turning 2. But, we still put him in a diaper at naptime and nighttime because he's a DEEP sleeper and would have 3 hour naps and he would soak his diapers when sleeping. The one issue was that he didn't often go #2 on the potty. He went a few times, but then changed his body schedule to go either at naptime or bedtime when he was wearing a diaper. I didn't worry about it because I figured it was normal and he would grow into going on the potty.

However, it's almost a year later and he's still doing it. And he hasn't gone #2 on the potty for almost 3 moths. It's not like he refuses to go on the potty. He sits there for 15-30 minutes once or twice a day and reads a book or watches a show in the ipad, but doesn't go. But, then will go during nap right after sitting there for 30 minutes. We have tried incentives with no success. The pediatrician recommended getting rid of the diaper at naptime, which meant a week of totally soaked clothes and sheets and just holding #2 until nighttime (and one naptime #2) and not one single poop on the potty, so I don't feel like that was the answer for him.

I'm not sure what to do here? I feel like 1 of 2 things is going on here.

1. He just can't relax on the toilet. When he's in bed and sleeping (he literally goes in his sleep during naptime) he's relaxed and goes then, but can't get relaxed enough to go on the potty.

2. He doesn't even recognize what it feels like to go anymore because his body just "goes" when sleeping. He's so used to holding it that he's chronically constipated.

I really don't think he is trying to be stubborn because it's not like he says he WON'T go potty. He doesn't request to go in a diaper, it's like he just can't. I'm obviously going to talk to the pediatrician, but based on previous recommendations I don't think this is his specialty and I'd love to hear from other moms who have been through this.

I'm currently reading the book "It's No Accident" and am suspicious that he's got the chronic holding/constipation problem talked about in the book.