I already am not a huge fan of LO's lead teacher (but LOVE the assistant). Assistant has been on vacation all week. Today at drop off, LO was clingy and started wailing. Usually, either lead, assistant or fill-in teacher will take her from me on rough mornings so that when I leave, she's being held by someone. She's 2.5. Today, lead was alone in the room and reading a story. I tried to leave LO at the story circle, but she freaked out, so I tried other things to get her comfy because I could see that lead was busy. Finally, lead teacher finished the story and came to get LO (as she's crying). I look at lead teacher and, in an attempt to commiserate, say "I don't know why she's doing this." LO had been fine at drop off for weeks.

Lead teacher looks at me and says, "It's because you keep coming back." Excuse me? Did you want me to leave my child screaming in a corner by herself? I've already emailed the director, but I'm curious what happens to your kids of similar age if drop off is rough. Do I have unrealistic expectations of what should happen at rough drop off?