In case anyone is curious, I figured I'd post about our follow-up appointment with the allergist!

Recap: At 7 months, we introduced Xander to yogurt and he had an anaphylaxic reaction: hives, scratching at his face, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, trouble breathing, followed by an ER trip and a prescription for an EpiPen. A week later, he was accidentally given a milk-based formula at daycare and broke out into hives. We saw an Allergist who did a skin prick test and confirmed he's allergic to milk.

It's been a year since his diagnosis! We saw the Allergist who reviewed his history. It was actually a pretty uneventful appointment. He had blood drawn to test for his milk allergy and we'll get the results in a couple weeks (our Allergist is out of town for the holidays and the following week). Depending on the results, the next step might be for me to bake something using milk products and then try giving it to Xander.

I asked about testing for other allergies, like peanuts or fish, because we still haven't introduced those things to Xander, but our Allergist is against doing that kind of testing. Apparently false positives are VERY common, so if the test came back negative, it would tell us that he's definitely not allergic, but if it came back positive, it wouldn't really tell us anything! He suggested just giving Xander any items and watching his reaction.

I asked about baby #2 and the doctor said that baby #2 has a high chance of also having allergies and asthma, just like Xander, but to not restrict his diet at all until we have reason to. So that's the plan!