So a week or two ago I wrote about how much my MIL hates me that she was taking it out on her daughter. MIL and I have been having problems for 3 years, yup all 3 years DH have been married. The years before that were just fine. Well right before I have DD (3 months ago) MIL and I had a very long conversation where I basically told her I know she dislikes me and that is okay. I told her to maintain a relationship with DH and she does not have to speak to me. Welllll I found out she went running to SMIL and FIL basically bad mouthing me up and down and saying hurtful comments and passing them off as my own.

Ladies, I havetried so hard with this lady. I try my best to treat her well and even when she goes on her crazy sprees, I try to be civil for DH. But the anxiety I feel is unbearable. I now think about all future events where I'll have to deal with her and it makes me feel AWFUL that someone thinks so negativity about me. She makes me seem like such an awful person. What's worst is she's making others think her opinions are fact.

I know FIL, SMIL and I are in a great place now but it took use about 2 years to get there. So I feel like by her planting that seed will get their gears moving.

I'm heartbroken. I feel like my character is perceived so negatively and falsely at that. DH has told her time and time again how great I am but in true narcissistic style, she flips the script, always.

I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like cutting them out will only make things worst. DH is willing to cut his mom's side out, who also shit talk on me, but I know he loves his mom. He's willing to not have her at events but I just feel like that's so messy and will prove how "awful" I am, like she already thinks. I know her mind is made up about me and I can't change that, but how do I deal with all the rest?