Our LO is almost two and is going through the worst eating stage. He used to eat almost everything and now will only eat a handful of things. He won't eat any veggies or fruit (unless its in pouch form!) It's starting to stress me out because I try to put different things in front of him and he simply refuses. For lunch he will only eat pb&j sandwiches on whole wheat or chicken. Breakfast he will only do waffles (we stick to organic with fruit in them to be semi-healthy) or eggs. Dinner is just a total S show. He will only eat mac & cheese (hidden veggies in the one I buy) grilled cheese, chicken and eggs again. Snacks are pretzels, crackers, snapea crisps, fruit pouches and granola bars. Honestly, I'm at my wits end. I see other toddlers his age eating everything and ours just seems to refuse to have anything outside his comfort zone. Textures and shapes freak him out too. For example, I changed the mac & cheese brand I used a week ago because it's all we had and refused to eat it because it wasn't the same shape. Any suggestions mamas?