We've been CDing since the beginning with little to no issues. Now, at 15 months, we're having leak issues all over the place! I need help troubleshooting!

First, we had leaks out the seat, which I think are due to bad PUL in my BG 4.0s. I pulled those out of the rotation. Then we started getting leaks around the legs. I thought it was just because she pooped and then we didn't change her fast enough. Now, I had an issue where it's leaking near the leg holes, but in actuality, the inserts (Flips and 4.0s) are bunching up near her crotch, so they're not even absorbing pee on the sides, so any extra pee is leaking right through the cover!

How do I get the inserts to cover her whole crotch from leg to leg? Could my elastic be too relaxed? Do I need to get new inserts? HELP!