DD is going to be 8 mos on 2/4. She has never really STTN. For the past 2.5 mos she has been waking every few hours. She usually gets a bath around 7:30 pm, I start trying to put her down by 8pm (usually nurse to sleep sometimes DH will wear her in the ergo or gira wrap until she' falls asleep) and by 8:30-9pm put her in her crib. She's a very light sleeper and transferring her to the crib takes at least 2-3 tries. She'll sleep in the crib until 12- 12:30 on the dot and then she's standing up hysterically screaming. Ive tried to let her fuss a little but she just gets so worked up, and sometimes pukes 😢 last couple nights I've been trying to lay her back down and gently pat her back but that doesn't always work. Last night I spent an hour doing this, she finally fell back asleep only to wake hysterically screaming 20 minutes later. I gave up and just brought her in the bed with us. I know that's not helping the situation but I'm exhausted. She still wakes up a few more times even though she's sleeping with us. She loves to nurse all night and. Use me as a pacifier. She screams if I try to unlatch her after she's fallen asleep. I don't know what to do anymore. Any suggestions? Please haaaalp!