It's quite competitive to get preschool spots where I live. The preschool that's closest to me and a good fit for our family had registration this morning at 7:30 a.m. There were only four spots left for the class I wanted, and I was told to get there early, so I arrived at 5:15. There were already three people there. One outside, two in cars. I got out and the gentleman standing outside the door said there was a sign up sheet on the door. I could sign up and get back in my car to wait. So I did.

More people arrived and I got out of my car around 6. I spoke with a few of the people waiting, all of whom had signed up on the sheet and knew that I had gotten there before them. There didn't really seem to be a formal line, we were all kind of bunched up. When they opened the doors for registration, two of these people deliberately went ahead of me in line through the door, and the women doing registration handed out numbers. I still thought they would use the sign up sheet to determine order of registration, but we were each called back by number. I did not get a spot in the class I wanted. However, I am first on the wait list.

As I walked out, one of the moms who knew I was there before her and went ahead of me in line asked me if I got in. I told her no. I honestly can't believe she had the nerve to talk to me.

Of course I'm kicking myself for not just bloody standing in the line sooner, but I also think the two people who knowingly went in front of me in line and took the last two spots in the class I wanted were pretty big jerks. I didn't say anything and I'm kind of kicking myself for it, but I also don't want to be the b**** who made a big deal at preschool registration. Plus I'm pretty sure to get a spot since I'm first in the wait list. But really, I couldn't believe how these people acted! Am I just being a sleep deprived crazy mama bear?