Hellobee Boards


Anterior Placentas and "Sunny Side Up" Babies?

  • poll: How did you labour play out?
    Posterior placenta and correctly positioned baby : (14 votes)
    15 %
    Posterior placenta and sunny side up baby : (12 votes)
    13 %
    Posterior placenta and c-section : (2 votes)
    2 %
    Anterior placenta and correctly positioned baby : (32 votes)
    34 %
    Anterior placenta and sunny side up baby : (20 votes)
    21 %
    Anterior placenta and c-section : (12 votes)
    13 %
    Unsure of position of baby : (2 votes)
    2 %
  1. Truth Bombs

    grapefruit / 4321 posts

    @LCTBQE: If it eases your fears my son had no ill effects from it. He did have some heart decels while I was laboring, but nothing overly concerning, it just meant they couldn't up my Pitocin. When he came out they were able to pull both loops up and over his head, it wasn't tight enough that it needed to be cut.

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Marshmallow: no clue if valid but one was anterior placenta and sunny side up/posterior baby, long long labor, all the meds, pain pain pain, ended in c-section.
    The other was not anterior placenta and easy out and fast (and med free VBAC).

  3. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    Posterior placenta, posterior baby. AWFUL, AWFUL labor - fast and furious, and AWFUL! (Water broke before it started, my theory is that only made it worse)

  4. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    I had both anterior and posterior placentas and a correctly positioned baby for both labors.

  5. Woolly Mammoth

    kiwi / 524 posts

    I had an anterior placenta and the OB said he was sunny side up. I had a c section but it had to do with his heart rate, which sounded bad from the beginning of labor, not failure to progress.

  6. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    Baby #1 I had an anterior placenta. She she was a quick and easy birth with no complications.
    Baby #2 was a posterior placenta. Same kind of delivery, quick and easy, but the cord was wrapped around her neck 5 times ( which probably had nothing to do with placenta position)


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