Long story short(ish), our pediatrician thought LO might have reflux based on symptoms I was describing at her 2 month appointment and prescribed Zantac. She did have some symptoms that line up with reflux - hating to be on her back, wet burps, spitting up and swallowing it, coughing - but never seemed too bothered by it. The Zantac gave her diarrhea and didn't seem to help her symptoms so we talked to the ped and decided to stop it and just see what happened since she never seemed too miserable because of the reflux.

Fast forward to 3 months and she had a random ear infection with no clear cause - no cold or fever or anything. The ped said this could have been caused by reflux, and at this point she'd started to do a lot of the typical back arching, so we decided to start omeprazole. She got her first dose Saturday. Yesterday she started having wheezing episodes when on her back and her chest was caving in when she struggled to breathe. We ended up at the ER when one of the episodes went on for 20+ minutes but we didn't get any clear answers. Chest X-ray was clear, no RSV or flu. Their thought was that she aspirated on reflux and we were told reflux can sometimes cause breathing issues.

We are following up with the ped this afternoon and I want to ask for a referral to a pediatric GI to be absolutely sure it's reflux we are dealing with, but wondering if anyone else ever experienced something similar?