Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @As Time Goes By: pretty good excuse to venture down to buffalo for some shopping, i guess!

    i booked my first appointment for next Monday. What can I expect? Will they do anything to confirm the pregnancy or just take my word for it? Are there questions I should be asking?

  2. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: I think it depends on the doctor/midwife. I am using midwives again and for the first appointment they do a urine test to confirm the pregnancy and then it's just a lot of information. Information on their practice, information from me on my health background, information on what to expect. We also scheduled a dating ultrasound at the first appointment and expect to do the same this time. Don't know that a dating ultrasound is always done, they only do them if you think the due date may be more than 5 days different than the date from your LMP.

    I would start writing down any questions you have so that you know what to ask. I had a little notebook (5"x7") that I carried in my purse that I would write down any questions.

    I know some people get blood tests to confirm pregnancy, but that wasn't the case for me.

  3. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @NeekieRose: thanks! i am seeing my GP who i've seen since i was about 5... so she knows my history etc. not to mention, i had a physical 2 weeks ago! so everything is pretty current. i imagine they won't do much but maybe give me a script for an ultrasound? keeping notes is good because i KNOW i will forget everything i want to ask once i get there!

  4. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @2peasinapod - I am so so very sorry to hear that and thank you for your warm wishes, you are so gracious.

    My appointment went today went pretty well -the dr did a vaginal ultrasound and although its early, and we couldn't see much, we could see the gestational sac and yolk sac which all looked good. However, the dr did notice that I have a blood clot just outside the gestational sac. She said that is what's causing the spotting and that it may just go away on its own, but that it's also something they need to monitor. I will go back next week again. There's nothing more I can do at this stage, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

    @loki my appointment today was just a urine test to confirm and then a vaginal ultrasound. I asked about bloodwork and they said it wasn't necessary because they did the ultrasound. The appointment was quick because I was just a "squeeze in" due to the spotting. Hopefully next week there will be more time for talking and I plan to ask some questions about exercise and air travel.

  5. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @lulu22: That's great you got to see gestational sac and yolk sac. Fingers crossed the clot/spotting is no big deal. Hopefully when you go back next week you'll be able to see a heartbeat.

  6. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: good to hear your appointment went well. i've heard lots of stories about clotting that was a complete non issue and disappeared at some point throughout the pregnancy so everything sounds good to me i also want to ask about air travel and exercise. we have a trip booked for january!

  7. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    thanks @pawprints and @loki! Yes, it was really great to see the gestational and yolk sacs. DH just thought he was coming for moral support so when they asked him to move so he could see the ultrasound screen he was so excited and when they printed off the little ultrasound image and handed him a copy he was like a little kid getting a present - it was really quite cute

  8. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: ah can't wait for that! how many weeks are you now?

  9. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki only 5w1d! I actually wasn't sure they would even do an ultrasound so early, so it was a nice surprise

  10. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @lulu22: That's so exciting that you got to see the ultrasound! Good to know what is causing the spotting and hopefully it will continue to be a non issue!

  11. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: i'll be 5w1d at my appt next monday! i want an ultrasond! haha. hopefully you can see a heartbeat next week

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @2peasinapod: I'm so sorry hun! My heart goes out to you.
    @lulu22: So jealous you already got to see your little bean! I went to an RE for my last pregnancy so I got many of those early ultrasounds and I fear I will only get one at 20 weeks now. I wouldn't worry too much about the blood clot. Every time I've heard of someone having it, it hasn't affected their pregnancy.
    @loki: Take your first visit to ask any questions you're wondering about. You only get visits once a month at this stage, so you want to take advantage of this time with your provider.

  13. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @2peasinapod: nooo I am so sorry!

  14. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @lulu22: What a beautiful ultrasound story, especially that detail about your DH.

    As for me, celebrating 5w today, still in disbelief about how this little one is developing without my having to do anything!

    After taking a couple weeks off from the gym because of IVF, I finally went back last night, and it feels so good to be back on the horse again! I definitely felt short of breath more easily and had to take more breaks than usual, but the moving around helped my cramps. Nausea and fatigue haven't quite hit yet, so I'm trying to take advantage! Anyone else trying to stay active?

  15. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @ineebee: before my wedding i was working out like crazy but since getting back (6 months ago ) we have been super lazy... we've done a bit of running but nothing that i feel i can keep up. now that i'm pg i NEED to make more of an effort... but after not working out for so long i'm scared things will be too high impact. we were actually just looking at some ellipticals online. do you think that would be a good way to get back into getting my heart rate up? do you think it's low impact enough? i'm also asking my DH for prenatal yoga classes for my birthday! i'm so scared of overdoing it after taking so much time off. but i'm gonna gain like 300lbs if i don't get active now.

  16. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    I've been trying to stay active. I've been doing PiYo which is a mix of Pilates and yoga, but I definitely have to modify. It helps me feel stretched out and strong, but man am I tired most days! I really have to push myself to get dressed and work out most days.

  17. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @loki: From what I understand, the elliptical should be a great! My CrossFit coach told me that all I need to do is avoid super heavy weights, high-impact stuff, but most importantly just to pay attention to my heart rate (not letting it get too fast) and to listen to my body so I don't overdo it. That sounded pretty consistent with what my nurse told me when I asked.

    And yoga is always a good idea! I'm already paying so much for my gym membership that I don't think I can afford yoga! But if I could, I'd be there in an instant!

    Of course, you should get the final word from your doctor.

  18. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @Boopers: PiYo sounds like such a great prenatal exercise! Strengthening the core and all that, getting the blood flowing with low-impact!

  19. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @ineebee: i have an appt on monday so i'll definitely be asking this. i wish sooo much i had kept things up after my wedding. i've gained weight and feel generally blah and that isn't a great way to start a pregnancy! hoping i can fix all that and be healthy for the next 9 months +. thanks for the reassurance!
    i cancelled my gym membership so i can justify the yoga. my normal yoga place is crazy expensive but the prenatal yoga i found it put on through the town and it's $108 for 8 weeks, every monday night. they also have sundays for $124 so i might do both! way cheaper than normal yoga. i hope it's good!

  20. windswept

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    @lulu22: That's so exciting that you got to see something! I can't wait for that. This still doesn't feel real to me, and I don't think it will until I hear a heartbeat or see an image.

    It felt a little more real when I called the midwives practice yesterday and said the words out loud. My first appointment isn't until September (they said they wait until 8-10 weeks), which is so much later compared to all of you! I need to reschedule though, because DH realized he can't make the time I chose, so I'll share the exact date once that's settled. Yay!

  21. windswept

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    @ineebee: @Boopers: @loki: I really want to stay active too--we can all motivate each other! It's always tough for me to get going, but it feels so good afterwards. I'm going to try to keep running for as long as I can. I'm not a "real" runner though...I only do 1-2 miles a few times a week. DH and I also rock climb (toproping), so I need to find out how long I can safely do that--hoping the whole time if I can get my hands on a maternity harness!

    I ordered some books that should arrive today. The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy and The Birth Partner. Any second-time mamas have other reading recommendations?

  22. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @windswept: 1-2 miles a few times a week is pretty good IMO! And rock climbing! That's hardcore! What a fun thing to do together! And the Mayo Clinic Guide was also my first book! DH finally stopped asking me questions since I downloaded the ebook on his Kindle. It's a nice change having him tell me what's going on in the 5th week! As for early appointments, I know that I'm able to have a very early appointment because of my situation (IVF). At my previous clinic, I would've had a u/s by now, but at the new clinic I'm at, they're seeing me at 7w. I can't imagine waiting 8-10 weeks! Hopefully the time passes by quickly!

  23. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @lulu22: so glad you got your first appointment! Fingers crossed the spotting is no big deal!

    @ineebee: @loki: @Boopers: Wow you guys are awesome! I am one of those people who HATE the gym! I was doing pretty good for awhile but then got super lazy and couldn't get back into it. I've never done yoga but have always been interested, do you think I could start prenatal yoga without ever having done regular yoga?

    @windswept: my first appointment is when I am 7w6d and I don't want to wait that long either! But it was the first time the Dr would see me!

  24. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @HappyBluebird: i think you totally could! i'll do yoga for like 6 months and then take like a year long break... so when i start back up again i'm a total newbie. yoga is very non judgemental and individual so no one will care if you don't know what you're doing. my concern is going to prenatal yoga before i'm showing. i wonder if they'll think i'm not actually pg and i'm just chubby haha.

  25. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @windswept: 8 weeks is pretty standard for a normal pregnancy. Mine is tomorrow, but that is just because based off my LMP, I should be almost 8 weeks. Even though I know that I am not far along, the midwives go off the LMP until a dating ultrasound is done.

  26. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    Again I'm hoping I didn't miss anything, let me know if I did!

    April Mamas!
    April 1: Boopers
    April 3: As time goes by
    April 5: Neekierose
    April 6: Lulu22
    April 7: HappyBluebird, Pawprints
    April 8: Ineebee
    April 10: Windswept
    April 12: Loki, Marionberry
    April 19: Lilyofthewest

    August 6: Boopers
    August 7: Neekierose
    August 11: Loki
    August 13: Pawprints, Lulu 22
    August 18: Marionberry
    August 19: Ineebee
    August 21: As time goes by
    August 25: HappyBluebird

  27. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @loki: haha I think I might feel like that too! I'm gonna look into it around my way and see what I find!

  28. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @HappyBluebird: ya i'm going to call the place near me and see if people go in their 1st trimester. i don't wanna be the only one without a belly!

  29. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    Another option for yoga is to either get a dvd or do the free videos on youtube. I bought a dvd and did it twice last time (fail). But my sister (who just had a baby in May) did youtube prenatal yoga pretty religiously.

  30. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @NeekieRose: how did i not even think of that? that's super smart. i think i'll still go to classes to try and meet some other future moms in my area but supplementing at home is a genius idea.

  31. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: that's a great idea to meet people!

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @windswept: I bought nearly all of them but I would recommend the most "your pregnancy week by week".
    @HappyBluebird: I got a prenatal yoga DVD with my last pregnancy and it was super easy to do at home.

  33. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: do you recommend a specific one? also, did you find prenatal yoga enough of a workout? after practicing yoga on and off for a while i'm worried prenatal will be too easy/will feel like a waste. what do you think?

  34. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @NeekieRose: @marionberry: Very smart! I think I will definitely try a DVD first and see how it goes before paying for classes

  35. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    I was working out very regularly 3x a week until I found out I was pregnant, and I've been too exhausted since then. I'm telling myself that after our first ultrasound next Wednesday I'll get back into the habit.

    I feel for those of you having to wait a long time to see a doctor. For my first pregnancy, I wasn't going to get anything but a urine test until TEN weeks! I was ecstatic this time around when they told me I could have a 6-week ultrasound.

  36. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    The only books I read the first time around was What to Expect when You're Expecting and this Day by Day Pregnancy "Journal". I loved that it told you what was happening day by day. I did not use any of the journaling aspects though. http://www.amazon.com/The-Pregnancy-Journal-Day-Day/dp/081186989X/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0N3ZBZ11P5R9S551SSH3

    Then I did a lot of online reading!

  37. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki - I have this concern too! I am desperate to start pre-natal yoga (like you I've picked out the studio and class and everything!) but I'm really apprehensive to start in the 1st trimester before I'm showing and while things are still in the somewhat "uncertain" stage. To the ladies who have been pregnant before and did prenatal yoga - when did you start? when seemed to be the time that most women started?

    I've just been trying to swim and walk as regularly as possible, but I am really missing yoga and pilates classes. I've been doing pilates for years but there are no prenatal pilates classes in my area and I'm too scared to do a regular one because I have no idea whats safe and whats not and what modifications to make. I might try getting a DVD too. I have a strong core from years of pilates and I REALLY want to keep it that way, especially now when it matters most!

  38. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @windswept @neekierose I have just got some books too! I got What to Expect and a really interesting one called 'Origins' which I think is going to be good.... but I must admit I have not really got into them yet because what I've really been loving as an alternative is the Ovia Pregnancy app - it's free and it's an AMAZING app which tells you what's going on with the baby every day and it has an excellent food safety lookup, as well as a medication safety lookup and you can log your activity and diet too. I'm so addicted to it, it's the first thing I check when I wake up each morning! I really recommend it.

  39. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @lulu22: Wow! There is a lot of information on the Ovia app! I'm a fan.

  40. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: i downloaded this but obviously haven't been using it to it's full capability!!! amazing!

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