I will try to make this as concise as I can while still giving the needed background info! Thanks in advance for reading and for any advice/commiseration you can offer!

DD#2 is 10 months old. As a newborn she slept like a champ - about 11 hours straight at night from 5 days old. Starting from around 3 months old, a whole bunch of things (serious illness requiring hospitalization, international move that had us staying in a bunch of places, learning to crawl, learning to stand, having a cold, etc.) that we kept making excuses for disturbing her formerly perfect sleep, but reached the point where we felt for the sake of the whole family, we needed to help her be a better sleeper.

About a month or so ago we finally did some sleep training (controlled crying) to get her to put herself to sleep, which she now does wonderfully for both of her naps and bedtime. However, staying asleep is still proving to be an issue. Her night sleep is not at all consistent. We have:

GREAT nights when she goes to bed at seven-thirty, either wakes or gets a dream feed around 11/11:30, then sleeps till about 7 am (these are few and far between right now)

OK nights when she follows the above schedule but adds a 3 AM feed

BAD nights when she's waking before her dream feed, still wants the dream feed, and gets up another 2 times before she's up for the day (so less than every 3 hours). Often when she wakes she's MAD - doing an angry scream, not just crying, and either sitting or standing in her crib.

She eats 3 meals of solids during the day, and gets breastfed at least 3-4 times during waking hours (not counting the dream feed), so it's hard to believe she's hungry! It's possible she's teething but this has gone on awhile now and she has no teeth!

Has anyone overcome a situation like this? Did you have to let your child CIO in the middle of the night? I have doubts about this because it's not crying, it is rage filled screaming that only stops when i nurse her. DH holding her does not settle her. i am contemplating adding a straw cup of formula or supplement instead of the dream feed to see if she really is hungry. At this point I'd consider a sleep consultant (though I'm not sure what she'd do really), and am open to CIO, but concerned that it wouldn't be effective because DD#2 is so angry when she wakes, and I'm nervous about having DD#1 up all night as well as a result!