I've read so many horror stories I was wondering if anyone skipped it or it wasn't that bad?
I've read so many horror stories I was wondering if anyone skipped it or it wasn't that bad?
kiwi / 549 posts
Me! My LO stopped sleeping a nice 6 hour stretch and wanted to eat once between there. So it wasnt terrible.. Just went back to waking up once more.
pear / 1547 posts
Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself but I feel like we skipped it. But I also feel like LO was not a great sleeper and just started to finally improve things (i.e. nap in the crib) around 3 mo and it's just slowly been an improvement since then. There have been a few hiccups with every 2 hr MOTN wake ups everyonce in a while, but she's 4.5 mo and the past two nights have been the best she's had with only 2 MOTN wake ups and last night spent all night in her crib until we got her a little before 7am and she was just hanging out chatting to herself! Maybe if she had been a better sleeper to start I would have noticed something, but we were at q2 hr wake ups at night and only napping while being held/worn as a starting point so things have just been (slowly) improving!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Neither one of mine ever had a four month sleep regression, or any sleep regression really.... They're 2.5 and 12 months now. The older one has always been an amazing sleeper, the younger one slightly less so but still a good sleeper overall, so maybe we just hit the jackpot
coffee bean / 28 posts
My first never had a regression, but also didn't sleep through the night until 5 months. My second has had many good and bad stretches in sleep, but none I would consider a full regression. Sometimes she just needs extra love at night for a few days and then typically gets back on track....
pineapple / 12793 posts
We skipped it. She woke up once at four months after a couple months of sttn and went back to sttn the next night.
pear / 1622 posts
We didn't have one. At 5 months, when LO started rolling more and becoming more active he slept less in the MOTN but that was for a week and he wasn't crying or hungry - just playing is his crib.
When I brought up the 4 month sleep regression at LO's 4 month check up, the PA said she never heard of the 4 month sleep regression and that it is not an issue that comes up.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
I feel like neither of my boys have ever had regressions (2 1/2 and 9 months). The 1st was never a great sleeper. The 2nd has been better. I just feel like some nights they sleep awesome and some nights not so great. Just normal babies and toddlers! I can't pinpoint and say 4 months - regression time. They actually were sleeping pretty well at 4 months. I don't expect any two nights to be the same anymore - it's always changing.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
We didn't experience it, but she was sleep trained around 3 months so that may have had something to do with it.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
C had extra bad sleep at 3.5 months, then it ever so slowly started getting better. Many of my friends had something similar- 3-3.5 months was worse than 4.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
We had a short five days where he went from STTN to waking a few times. I just nursed him back down, and he was back to his normal schedule less than week later
persimmon / 1171 posts
We're sort of going through it now and it's not that bad. He still sleeps through the night, but has been fighting naps. You can tell he is fighting sleep so that he can stay awake to watch whatever we're all up to. He's not fussy much in general, so it hasn't been that bad.
cherry / 231 posts
I don't think she really had one... However, I mostly look back on her first year of sleep as one long sleep regression. She didn't sleep well, but at wasn't worse at 4 months. It was just the normal not sleeping issue.
persimmon / 1385 posts
I think we went through it but it wasn't that bad. Naps went from nice and long to 40 minutes, but that's totally normal, so I decided not to stress and just gave him as many 40 minute naps as he needed to make it through the day. He was a good night sleeper pre-4 months, and the only thing 4 months brought was an earlier than normal early morning wake/feed. That was the worst part because I'm not a morning person. We eventually cried it out at 5.5months and his early morning wake/feed went back to normal. All and all, I think we came out pretty unscathed. The 8 month regression has been pretty much the same story, except naps are not nearly as effected, yay!
pomelo / 5469 posts
Nope. But then LO has been consistently STTN since 8 weeks old and the only regressions we've had are where she takes a long time to fall asleep in the first place and might cry a little, but nothing major.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
We were able to escape it! Though her naps when to shit around 4 months and she went through an incredibly fussy period...thank goodness she kept STTN! I would have had a mental breakdown
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Nope, we didn't have sleep issues until teething started around 5-6 months, once she popped the teeth she was back to her nice 11-12 hour stretches.
persimmon / 1095 posts
Glad to hear it from everyone. I have been waiting for it to start and hoping that we would skip it. He's 4.5 months and I am still getting 12-13 hour STTN stretches. Occasionally I have a MOTN feeding, but it is rare. We have never had great naps and he always cries to start them, but nothing has changed in the last few weeks.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
We didn't have one with my daughter. Sleep did get better and worse better and worse, but no four month horror stories here.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
We had cruddy sleep in general for 17 months but we did not have the 4 month sleep regression.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Sleep was pretty rotten in general until around 9 months, but it didn't get worse at 4 months. I don't think it could have gotten worse...
clementine / 878 posts
We did have one and it felt bad at the time, it was our first sleep regression after sleep training, and we had no idea what was happening or if it would ever end but in hindsight it wasn't bad...
pear / 1614 posts
My first never had anything like that. My second was a crappy sleeper anyway so I didn't notice anything worse around 4 months.
honeydew / 7463 posts
I don't think we technically had a sleep regression. But maybe we did if you can count a few off nights. When he learned to roll A little after 4 months we had a few bad nights of rolling and waking. But all in all he's been sleeping through the night. 5 months and 1 week today.
kiwi / 551 posts
My older son didn't do it, but he was born 6 weeks early so his adjusted age was behind. But I never felt he was truly 6 weeks behind his actual age.
My second son went through it BAD. We did sleep training shortly after he turned 4 months and it took forever for him to get it. Then sleep got even worse at 6 months and finally got better at 7 months.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
I hate all of you who had regression skippers. KIDDING. But, no, neither of my kids skipped *any* of the sleep regressions. The 4 monthers were particularly rough.
pear / 1946 posts
Yep we skipped it. We haven't really had any regressions until recently and she's 2.5. Granted she was colicky and a horrible sleeper for the first 3 months of her life.
persimmon / 1339 posts
At both 4 and 9 months sleep got worse, but not BAD. At 4 months we went from one waking between 3 and 5 to one waking between 12 and 1, and another between 3 and 5. Annoying, but not a huge problem esp since I was still on mat leave. At 9 months, we had teeting and jetlag thrown into the mix and sleep got rough for a while - needing patting to fall asleep and waking up once or twice a night after consistently sleeping through from 6 months. But really, neither were terrible. Good luck!
cherry / 229 posts
We'll be at 4 months March 1st, I'm so anxious about sleep after the sleep deprivation of newborn days. I'm just so desperate for her to stay a good sleeper, although I know I can't do anything about illness and teething.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
we did not have a 4 month regression, but we went on vacation at 5 months and his sleep went to crap for many months after that.
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