We are having a second boy!! 💙 💙

But we are so stumped for names. Our first is Jacobi (Cobi) Parker
We adore his name and had that moment when we found it that this was his name and I can't imagine loving another name as much.

My top favorites are:
Beckett (my absolute favorite but DH isn't on board- not yet veto status though)
Eli (either short for Elliot or Elias)

Dh's too favorites are:
Lachlan (I'm worried that it's too uncommon and "out there")
Eli (only one we actually agree on- although he says he doesn't mind Emmett)

Parker is the middle name. It's my maiden name and also DS1 middle name.
Last name is two hard syllables, and it's an Irish surname.

Which of these are your favorite and why?
And any other similar suggestions? We prefer out of the top 50, but not bizarre names.