Hellobee Boards


Baby name: Vada

  1. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3392 posts

    Have never seen/heard the name before, I'd pronounce it VA-duh

  2. alphagam84

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    I'd pronounce it Vay-duh. I have to say though I am not a fan of the middle names Sabine or Beatrice. Seems like you're trying too hard to create a very unique first and middle name. Maybe try a middle name that's more common.

  3. cnidaria

    cherry / 128 posts

    Vada - I've never seen the name before, I would guess "Vah-duh" or "Vaw-duh" (short "a" sound)

    As for alternate spellings suggested by PPs:

    Veda - I've never seen it before either, but would guess "Vay-duh" (long "a" sound)

    Vaida - I know one person with this name, pronounced "Vy-duh" (long "i" sound)

  4. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I agree on the pronunciation like most other people. I know someone who has that name as a last name, but spelt Vayda.

    When I first saw I actually thought of it being pronounced just like 'nada' in spanish... but with a 'v'.

  5. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @alphagam84: Sabine and Beatrice are both family names and aren't very unique as far as I know, but thanks for your opinion!

  6. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    I also thought of Darth Vader.
    But to me, Vada = vah-duh and Veda = vay-duh.

    I really like Anya

  7. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    My great aunt's name was Veda, but she (and everyone else) pronounced it vee-dah, so I'd stick with Vada or Vayda if you are going for vay-dah pronunciation. Or just be comfortable with correcting folks/teachers/etc. on pronunciation.


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