Hi! Longtime no see, but I need advice. We've decided to put our LO's (3 and 4) in full day pre-k in the fall. Therefore eliminating the need of our nanny.
What is the best way to let her know? She has been great, I'd write a reference for her, or help her find another family. We were the first people she'd ever nannied for and it was a great experience for all of us.
She does not know its coming. We did half day prek for the 4 year old this year but she had the other all day and we'd kind of all assumed we'd do half day for both next year but we feel its time for full day.
We plan to let her know this month which will give her over 2 months to find a job. I'd love for her to help us with the days school is closed, ends early etc but idk how it'll work out.