Hello ladies. Just curious for some input here.

I'm 38+3 and woke up yesterday with some heavy bloody show. Continued all day yesterday and increased today. Have been having very frequent but VERY short BH contractions since Saturday night. Had an internal exam today and am not dilated at all! Only a fingertip! Dr. sent us to hospital (I'm a VBAC, and baby was moving less) to get monitored and ultrasound and baby is fabulous, but she was confused -- why would I be having bloody show if I'm not dilating at all?!?

Any words of advice? Thoughts on whether I can expect this to be soon or not? I thought bloody show meant labor was imminent...but I'm not dilated at all and it's been 36 hours of continual show. The dr. said if I keep bleeding until Friday (my next appointment) we'll have to deliver.