C sections have been making the news quite a lot here in the UK today.
The policy of the NHS has been that women are not allowed to have a c-section if there is no medical reason. In other words, no elective c-sections.
The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has just come out with a new policy stating that women should be allowed to elect for a c-section even if there is no medical need. A mother who is afraid of vaginal birth should be offered counselling, but can no longer be denied a c-section.
Currently 1 in 4 births in the UK is a c-section.
Did you know that it costs the NHS £700 more to have a c-section than a vaginal birth? That surprised me, given the longer recovery time. I would have expected it would be higher.
Anyway, I thought this was interesting. What do y'all think about this new policy?