Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. sharpie

    grape / 84 posts

    @buffalove: @mrskc: congrats!

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Thank you!

    @sharpie: Thanks! And congrats to you!!!

  3. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @mrskc: What!!! Ahhh congrats!! Your EDD is just two days after mine was

  4. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @buffalove: welcome and congrats!! i grew up in NY (rochester). i love the area but hate the weather!

    @mrskc: congrats!! thats so funny that you went to cal poly slo too! its been like probably 5 years since i've been back there. it'd be fun to take DD now tho. maybe as our last vacation b4 lo#2!

  5. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    here's an updated due date list! alot of 8/7 mamas!

    ETA - since theres some of us on our 2nd (or 3rd!) i thought i'd update with the LO#

    August mamas!
    8/1 - michmarm (#1)
    8/2 -jennypenny (#1)
    8/5 - sharpie (#1)
    8/7 - avabear (#3)
    8/7 - sera_87 (#2)
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1)
    8/7 - buffalove (#2)
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2)
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1)
    8/17 - kodybear (#2)
    8/18 - mrskc (#2)

  6. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Aww, congrats August Momma's! August is the best month

  7. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @lawbee11: thank you! how fun that my EDD is so close to what yours was!

    @kodybear: I graduated in 09 and DH and I went back there summer 2012 for our "babymoon" before DS arrived. We stayed in Avila beach and made sure to go on a Thursday so we could go to the farmer's market. I miss living there all the time. I'm hoping we can go back again soon. I miss Firestone! mmmmm

  8. buffalove

    kiwi / 640 posts

    @LovelyPlum: @sharpie: thank you!!

    @kodybear: yeah it is NOT warm here today!

    We've already told my parents (needed childcare for today's appt) and my sister, and probably holding off on telling the IL's until christmas morning since they'll be at our house. We have a blank stocking that he's going to hang and see if they notice...ha!! (I ordered 4 from PB last year and left the 4th blank for a future LO).

    Re: the drinking....that is the hardest part! Work party is tomorrow night so I'll be drinking "vodka tonic" (i.e. sprite with a lime).

  9. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrskc: Yay, so glad you joined! And I totally forgot about farmer's... Mmm, $3 Chinese food. Was it still there when you were in school?

    And maybe this is crazy, but we could do a mini-Aug '14 meetup in SLO when I'm in CA this Spring DH would think I'm nuts, but whatever.

  10. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: I was just too excited to wait to join, plus I just want to remain optimistic that everything will be fine. Was the Chinese food at farmers from the buffet? Last time we were there, the restaurant had closed. And a meetup in SLO sounds fun! I would love to do that. SLO is only a 2 hour drive away for us.

  11. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    First post - new Bee member!

    EDD: August 20, 2014
    When Did You Find Out?: December 9th (Monday)
    Child Number: 1
    Where You Live: Alabama
    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN
    When's Your First Appointment?: January 6th
    What kind of birth do you want?: Hospital
    What You're Most Excited For: Long term - our first baby, Short term - our first appointment
    What You're Most Scared About: Something going wrong with the baby
    Symptoms so far: Pure exhaustion - I fall asleep at 8 PM on a "late" night.. I'm also just a little emotional according to my husband (which I completely disagree with him about and tearfully told him)

    ETA: Congratulations everyone!!!

  12. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrskc: I'm not sure where it was from, but it was edible! The only buffet I remember was near the airport and it was the worst Chinese food I've ever had (I still won't go to a Chinese Buffet because of it!) My friend and I used to go to farmers all the time just to walk around and get some cheap dinner. If all goes well, we'll be there late April. No real plans yet though

  13. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: @mrskc: i'd consider going up! it's about a 5 hour drive tho. but it's been so long since we've been there.

    @BakerBee: welcome and congrats!! i get tired easily too. i've been falling asleep on the couch around 930 these days! definitely in bed by 10.

  14. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @BakerBee: congratulations!

    @Mrs.Someone: hmmm yeah there used to be a Chinese buffet on that main street where the farmers market is. It was alright. DH just liked to pig out on the mussels they served.

    @kodybear: That would be so neat if we all meet up!

  15. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @mrskc: Oh My Goodness! Our stats are almost identical. When is your DS's birthday? Also, congrats!

  16. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    How's everyone feeling these days? I've been more tired than usual but no other real symptoms yet. Friday I was bleeding alittle bit. I think it was cause we dtd after a long hiatus (Maybe since conception?? haha). It's gone now tho. Last pregnancy I spot/bled from weeks 5-8 so u'd think id be used to it but nope still freaks me out! Ack I forget how much time drags the first couple weeks. Anyway hope everyone else is doing well!

  17. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @kodybear: I have a dating ultrasound on Thursday so I'm just holding my breath until then. Fingers crossed everything is okay in there

  18. dankrist

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Just found out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We were not prepared and were not trying, but it really only takes once! So we are working on putting our heads back on and adjusting to this new development. Yikes!

    EDD: August, 17 2014
    When Did You Find Out?: Dec 10
    Child Number: 1
    Where You Live: Boston
    What kind of provider will you see?: Midwife
    When's Your First Appointment?: not scheduled yet
    What kind of birth do you want?: Home or birth center
    What You're Most Excited For: Getting excited. Still in the shocked, shouldn't have goofed that one time phase
    What You're Most Scared About: money (boo), body issues
    Symptoms so far: cramping, larger breasts, sore breasts, only wanting to eat particular foods.

  19. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Aandmklover: too funny! I didn't even notice how similar are stats are. My son's birthday is Oct 14. Yours?

    @kodybear: no big symptoms yet. I started a thread about it yesterday b/c it's starting to freak me out. My boobs are a little sore this morning. I didn't start getting morning sickness with DS until I was 6 weeks pregnant. Maybe I'll get lucky and not have it this time.

    @dankrist: congrats and welcome!

  20. sharpie

    grape / 84 posts

    @BakerBee: @dankrist: Congrats and welcome!

    @kodybear: @mrskc: yeah, it seems like most of mine have disappeared! At least, they aren't constant anymore. My dating ultrasound is a week from today - like @sera_87, I will feel way better after everything looks good there

  21. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    I've found that my symptoms are more noticeable when I'm not running around doing stuff. So if I'm sitting at my desk, laying on the couch, etc. I was busy most of the weekend and didn't feel sick much at all. I'm going to call today to make my first ultrasound appointment!

  22. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I'm feeling okay - been having definite stomach issues. Currently embracing the whole tired thing - I've always been one to go to bed early and I'm LOVING that I have an excuse right now with my husband!

    @Mrs.Someone: I completely agree about the symptoms. It's only when I'm dwelling on it that I notice that I feel a little crummy. I have this tendency to worry that I'm making up symptoms and feel like I'm holding my breath until my first ultrasound on the 6th.

  23. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Yay, I just got my first ultrasound/intake appointment scheduled! This one is with a MFM/Perionatologist. I wanted it to be late next week, but the doctor is taking all of next week off, so its going to be on NYE. If all goes well at that appointment, then I'll finally make one with the OB I plan to go to

    Should we start up an appointments list?

  24. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @sera_87: @sharpie: ah! you're both so lucky you already have a dating ultrasound coming up! 3+ more weeks for me... i was thinking about paying for an u/s just so i'd know something before christmas... but i think im still way too early to see anything

    @dankrist: welcome!!

    @mrskc: i'm glad you are starting to feel symptoms! i thought i'd feel more relaxed this time around, but i'm still as worried and anxious as last time!

    @Mrs.Someone: yes! i love lists. i can start it off with the due date list and then anyone can add/edit the list?

  25. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: yay! First u/s, how exciting! I think an appointment list sounds great.

    I have my first appt. Dec 27th with my OB. Hopefully either he does an u/s then or has me schedule one.

  26. buffalove

    kiwi / 640 posts

    @BakerBee: @dankrist: congrats and welcome!!

    i have my first u/s last week - got stuck in a terrible snow storm, was an HOUR late for the appt and my wonderful OB turned the lights back on in the office to take me Saw the HB and my 8/7 date is still holding. now that i've had all my bloodwork and early u/s, i'm back on the "regular" OB schedule and dont go back until 11 weeks (1/16). hoping the holidays make the month fly by!

  27. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    if anyone wants to take over the list at any time feel free! and also feel free to add/edit to this list as we go along. hopefully i got the appts right... i just did a quick skim, sorry if i missed someone!

    August mamas!
    8/1 - michmarm (#1)
    8/2 -jennypenny (#1)
    8/5 - sharpie (#1)
    8/7 - avabear (#3)
    8/7 - sera_87 (#2)
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1)
    8/7 - buffalove (#2)
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2)
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1)
    8/17 - kodybear (#2)
    8/17 - dankrist (#1)
    8/18 - mrskc (#2)
    8/20 - bakerbee (#1)

    Upcoming appointments!
    12/19 - sera_87 (dating u/s)
    12/23 - sharpie (dating u/s)
    12/24 - michmarm (first appt)
    12/26 - sharpie (first appt)
    12/27 - mrskc (first appt, dating u/s(?))
    12/30 - jennypenny (first appt)
    12/31 - mrs.someone (dating u/s)
    1/6 - bakerbee (first appt)
    1/7 - sera_87 (first appt)
    1/8 - kodybear (dating u/s, first appt)
    1/16 - buffalove (11 week appt)

  28. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @buffalove: i was just about to reply to you since i saw you had an appt last week! glad it went well and happy you saw the heart beat!!

  29. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @kodybear: thanks for making that list!

  30. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @kodybear: Looks good, thanks for starting the list! I think when any of us has an update, we should just copy/paste and make the changes.

    @buffalove: Yay, glad it went well! What a nice OB to take you despite being late.

  31. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @buffalove: That's awesome! hooray! I cannot wait to get my first u/s and *fingers crossed* we see/hear a HB.

  32. buffalove

    kiwi / 640 posts

    @kodybear: thank you! and thanks for starting the list...love it!

    @Mrs.Someone: i was mentally prepared to have to make another appt and was so happy they took me! the only good thing about your appt being right after the holiday is that you'll have something else to think about waiting for that date to come

    @mrskc: i hope you get to have an u/s at your first appt!

  33. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @buffalove: I was hoping for an appt on the 26th or 27th (so we could tell our parents that weekend), but this was the best they could do. I'm a little nervous that its on NYE and we'll be having friends over the next day, but I just need to keep thinking positive that all will be well

  34. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    My first appointment is dec 30. I was very disappointed to find out that my Doctor that delivered my son stopped delivering babies in July. She added a new doctor to her practice so I hope I like the new one as much as my original.

  35. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    Does anyone else find themselves having less self-control in the food department? I'm usually a really healthy eater, but I just can't seem to say "no" anymore. It's 9:30 AM and I just ate some leftover banana pudding in my office's refrigerator...

  36. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I think my morning sickness could be starting. I felt a little off this morning and gagged while brushing my teeth. That's how it started with DS too. ugh. So not looking forward to it, but at the same time it makes me feel better b/c I know things must be progressing. Anyone else have morning sickness?

    @BakerBee: well I've been struggling to eat healthy even when I wasn't pregnant. lol The holidays don't help. I do want to try and be better than I was last time in hopes that I don't gain as much weight.

  37. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    Don't judge, but I'm jealous of your morning sickness, @mrskc. I just feel like other than being tired and the hungry, hungry hippo, I have no real indicator that I'm pregnant.

  38. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrskc: Yay for symptoms! I've had morning and afternoon sickness off and on since the day after I got my . I thought one day last week things were getting worse, but it has subsided a little bit.

  39. sharpie

    grape / 84 posts

    @mrskc: a little, I think? Mostly just a queasiness that appears when I'm even a little bit hungry

  40. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @BakerBee: yeahh i also wasn't good about eating healthy before. we had a cookie exchange at work yesterday. i ate like 5 cookies there, along with the cookies i ate while waiting for the cookie exchange to start.

    @mrskc: i thought i was starting to get morning sickness yesterday, but it mightve just been my coworkers driving that made me sick. i have a cold too tho, so i've been feeling blah anyway. boo. i want symptoms, but i also don't.. haha can't win

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