If you have a big extended family, how do you deal with Christmas presents?

I come from a pretty small family and have always bought gifts for everyone (parents and two siblings, recently + SIL & two nephews).

Two years ago I married into a huge family (5 siblings + spouses, 10 nieces and nephews, more on the way). We are really close with the my-side nephews and a couple of the kids on my husband's side who I'd like to get gifts for. But, I really don't want to be on the hook for buying gifts for all 15~ nieces/nephews, plus 4 parents, plus selected siblings, from now until everyone is 50 years old and the kids are grown. It just seems totally out of control. So should we cherry pick the nieces/nephews we are closest with and deal with the fallout of sibling shit-talking, spend bajillions of dollars on plastic shit every year, or opt out completely? Any other ideas? Curious what other people do, I am new to this big family concept

ETA the most ridiculous part of it is that we aren't even Christian, just kind of secular American.