DS just turned 2 and has been going through a crazy clingy phase. We went on vacation with my parents when he was exactly 23 months, and he refused to be held or touched by anyone other than DH or me. He already had a huge daddy preference, which I get (I am a SAHM, so he's with me a lot) but he used to be obsessed with my dad and love my mom. Now he wants nothing to do with them. The past few days (like, when he hit 24 months) he has been less crazy clingy, but he's still not into my mom and dad (he sees them/spends time with them a few times a week).
As for this being influenced by big changes- he just started school 2 mornings/week, but this phase began 3 weeks prior to that. Obviously vacation was a change in routine, (and he is very into his routine) what with the rental house, new room, seeing grandparents all the time instead of every other day in his own space, daddy around constantly instead of at work, but now we are home and back to normal and he's still being cold to my parents and not letting them hold him, even when DH isn't here.
ANY SUGGESTIONS? Or commiseration? I feel SO BAD (my mom is particularly upset by it, which I just can't even deal with.)