A friend from my old language school called and offered me her used crib mattress. She said she only used it for 2-months and it's in pretty good condition. Offering was really nice of her, but I'm a little hesitant taking it because 1) she smokes 2) I've seen her car and it really smells in there! Her baby's now a toddler and maybe that's just how it is for parents, but I feel uneasy.

I know I sound like a snootballl right now and I should only be grateful, but I'm not comfortable using anything used that can't be easily thrown in the wash. She doesn't smoke in her apartment but I'm very sensitive to it anyway. I've also haven't visited her place yet, so maybe it was just her car.

Am I being ungrateful? I don't want to offend her so I explained that we don't know what crib we have yet. But at the same time, I don't want to end up with a mattress I won't use.

((In the span of writing this, I've decided to not accept it and have changed the title!))

How would you handle this situation? Would you just politely decline? How do I do that without offending?