*Please note that I am going to speak to the director, at this point I need input on thoughts and personal experiences*

I AM going to speak to the director, but for those of you who have LO's in a daycare center, what are your expectations as far as safety and attention being paid by the teachers? To what extent would you be upset if your LO suffered an injury at daycare? Would you be upset if you routinely came to pick up your LO and found him hysterically crying while the teacher was tending to other kids or her own personal affairs?

Imagine the daycare is following the law as far as ratios are concerned.

Backstory: DS is 8 months old, very active and pulling up on everything. He's suffered injuries two days in a row now, an (almost) black eye on the first day and a split lip yesterday. I routinely come to get him and find him red faced and screaming hysterically with the teacher either tending to another child or texting. It is always the same teacher, I'm not a huge fan of hers as she always seems annoyed by the kids in general. Please note I AM going to speak to the director, at this point I am looking for personal experiences and general expectations.
