Daycare wants more milk than I'm pumping. Cue FTM freakout. I'm starting to do what I can to increase my supply: oatmeal, tea, hydrate, and I'm in the middle of a power hour. I'm wondering if any of you have perspective on the feedings.

LO is 4.5 months and just started taking a bottle. She's been at daycare 2 weeks. I'm sending four 3.75oz bottles. Daycare wants 1oz more per bottle.

I'm currently feeding 3am, 6:30am, 5:45pm at pick up, and 7:30pm at bedtime. Today she ate

9:00 - 3.75oz
11:00 - 3.75oz
12:35 - 5.5oz
3:30 - 4oz
4:30 - 1.5oz
Total - 18.5oz

Some of that was from my freezer stash at daycare.

Does it take time for babies bottle consumption to even out? Do naps affect how much they eat? She's only taking 30min naps if that matters. It seems like they're feeding her when she wakes up. Is it wrong to ask daycare not to feed her after a certain time? (Sorry if that makes me sound cruel, I'm just ignorant). But if she ate 4oz at 3:30 did she need more at 4:30?

I guess I'm just hoping this magically works out. I don't know where I'm going to get 4 more ounces a day.